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    Why is it free? Think there's no such thing as a free lunch? Well...you're right! The service that allows me to offer you free email accounts does so in exchange for advertising. There will be a banner ad on the page you check your email from as well as a short signature ad at the bottom of each email you send out. I'd prefer to not have any ads at all, but I think it's worth it to offer you this service. Please feel free to email me if you have any comments or need help setting up your account. Thanks!


    History Features Parts List Registry Gallery Resources Classifieds Hartman HCS Site Tools

    Web page composition & design copyright © 2000, by Jonathan Hanna.
    Information supplied copyright by Paul M.Newitt, "GT/CS Recognition Guide & Owner's Manual, 1988; "1996 GT/CS Registry, 1996".
    Additional HCS material provided by HCS Registrar Bob Teets.
    All rights reserved.