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For Sale Tail Light Panel Screws & Seatbelts


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
While looking for some fog light screws I ran across what I'm pretty sure are screws for a tail light panel. I have 12 of them. Someone had removed and reinstalled the panel on my aqua car at some point and stripped out the holes so I installed larger screws. Luckily, I kept these.

I also found an excellent set of black deluxe seatbelts with new chrome surrounds. I bought them a few years on eBay then bought the new chrome. They look great.

The tail light screws are free but the seatbelts will run $150.

Shoot me a note if you want photos.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
The seatbelt set is for a '69, meaning the front lap belts and shoulder belts are stitched together, and there loops instead of Velcro.

I also found NIB Lucas fog light covers with the rectangular windows, and a parchment padded steering wheel base in great shape.

PM me if you're interested in any of it.