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Gold Nugget? GT/CS on eBay


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2008
Spicewood, Tx.
Interior & Exterior Colors
1968 Ford Mustang

Exterior Paint Colors

Raven Black A
Royal Maroon B
Acapulco Blue D
Gulfstream Aqua F
Lime Gold I
Wimbledon White M
Diamond Blue N
Seafoam Green O
Brittany Blue Q
Highland Greem R
Candyapple Red T
Tahoe Turquoise U
Burnt Amber V
Meadowlark Yellow W
Presidential Blue X
Sunlight Gold Y
Pebble Beige 6

Interior Trim Codes
Decor Group
Black vinyl 2A 6A
Blue vinyl 2B 6B
Dark Red vinyl 2D 6D
Saddle vinyl 2F 6F
Ivy Gold vinyl 2G 6G
Aqua vinyl 2K 6K
Parchment vinyl 2U 6U
Nugget Gold vinyl 2Y 6Y
Black, comfortweave, bench 8A 9A
Blue, comfortweave, bench 8B 9B
Red, comfortweave, bench 8D 9D
Parchment, comfortweave, bench 8U 9U
Black, comfortweave 7A 5A
Blue, comfortweave 7B 5B
Dark Red, comfortweave 7D 5D
Parchment, comfortweave 8U 5U

Convertible Top Colors


Maybe a Marti Report will clarify what he really has.Randy


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Reproduction parts?

What is different on the back of this car to make the deck lid lip and fender extensions not line up?

My car mocked up.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2008
Spicewood, Tx.
More Gold stuff...From previous posts.

Of note the color of a Gold Nugget is rumored to be Anniversary Gold, which is a much “richer” “browner” gold. A had the car to bare metal and it was not Sunlit Gold. It was way different than Sunlit Gold. I would love to see a color picture of your car close up. Especially in an area that is known to be original paint and out of the sun. Like in a doorjamb or the inside of a trunk lid. A great place to find original paint is under the scuff plates on the bottom of the door opening. By the way, there is another car in the site that has the GT/CS option and is Anniversary Gold. It was built 2 days after my car. I have talked to one of the owners, Janice Brulic, and her uncle painted it and he had a heck of a time matching the paint. This car is posted in the Marti thread also.

I went into the micro fish of the Seattle PI and have numerous adds printed from January through April of 1968. According to these ads, 525 Gold Nuggets would be made. They are also supposed to have a plaque on the dash for the original owner and stating these are Gold Nuggets, with the original owner’s name on them. Not sure if the name was always there or not. There are a couple sites that talk to these cars. Of note, the 1968 ads say they are supposed to be Sunlit Gold. Confusing, as I know my car was not.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2008
Spicewood, Tx.
Email from seller

Email straight from the seller when I asked about it being Sunlit Gold.

Yes I am aware of that. The color code is 2Y. The 2 represents the gold nugget interior and the Y is the sunlit gold paint

Personally, I like the Sunlit Gold...



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I also contacted the seller. They don't have a Marti report.

VIN=8R01C148827 (Not in registry)

Door Data Plate: 65A 2 Y 11G 71 2 W

Would appear to be a C/S, but I would require a Marti to authenticate.



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
What is different on the back of this car to make the deck lid lip and fender extensions not line up?

My car mocked up.

I think most California Specials came off the line with the deck lid and the fender extentions not lining up perfectly. If you have a California Special that someone claims is all original, then see if they line up. If they don't, theres a good chance that those parts are original to the car. If they are perfectly straight then that may be a sign of the parts being replaced due to accident or just lined up for a repaint.