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FAQ - How to post a new message or classified ad


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
OK, this question comes up a lot from new members so I thought I'd post it here.

First off let's define the terms "Post", "Thread" and "Forum".

  • Post is the individual question or reply from a member.
  • Thread is the collection of posts that make up a particular discussion.
  • Forum is the collection of Threads that are related. Forum is also used to describe the entire Forum. To be more accurate the overall Forum is a collection of sub-forums (like "Off Topic Lounge", "Classified Ads", etc.)

To start a new Thread:
  • Go to the board that you want to start the new message in. (for example "GT/CS and HCS Forums" or "Classified Ads")
  • In the upper right click on the "Post Thread" button and a screen comes up where you compose your message. Fill in the blanks and then click the "Post Thread" button at the bottom.


To reply to an existing Thread:
  • Go to the thread you want to reply to.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom, and below the last post will be a "write your reply..." window. Compose your message there and click the "Post Reply" button at the bottom.
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