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For Sale 1968 GT/CS in Santa Barbara CL


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ
Interesting car. The black plates caught my in that they are 30 digits after mine. Looking at the Marti report, it was sold at the same dealer as mine. It is serial # 847 after mine. I wish the dates were more visible to get more info on the build/sales date.

Mike - do you have a clearer copy of this Marti on file?


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Unfortunately NO, This is a new car for the Registry. If anyone gets one, Please forward it to me. I don't know why the seller had to take a photo of the Marti report from a computer monitor instead of just attaching it to the post. I snagged the Marti image from this ad, but I can not read it and it only gets worse when I try to enlarge it. Mike


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
Unfortunately NO, This is a new car for the Registry. If anyone gets one, Please forward it to me. I don't know why the seller had to take a photo of the Marti report from a computer monitor instead of just attaching it to the post. I snagged the Marti image from this ad, but I can not read it and it only gets worse when I try to enlarge it. Mike

Makes you wonder if the seller is trying to put something past potential buyers.