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1968 Headliner install tips?


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
I plan to tackle the headliner next weekend in my '68 HCS. Anyone have any tips on the install?

I understand it to be a pretty time consuming job, mostly to get all the wrinkles out. I have both the front and rear glass out. And the weather here is nice and sunny, so cold temperatures won't be a problem. I'll lay out the headliner in the sun for a few hours to make sure it relaxes and gets all the shipping kinks out.

I found a very old thread from Arlie with some tips, but the photos were no longer attached. He mentioned binder clips to hold the headliner in place along the edges, then let it sit for a couple of days to relax, then re-stretch.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Yes binder clips or clothes pins will work to stretch it in. I use a hair dryer to carefully heat and restretch till most of the wrinkles are gone. I use brush able contact glue. Be sure to put old screws in the holes like sun visors so you can find the hole once the headliner is in place. Also be sure to mark the order of the rods and the hole on each end. Take your time and if you get frustrated walk away for a while. It is best to wait for 24 hours with it glued and clamped before reinstalling the glass.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Find a DIY video on the youtube.

A key thing is to maintain your centerline to keep things even. It is hard to believe that 4 minutes was the allotted time for installation at the factory.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
In addition to Marty's and Scott's great comments; when you stretch the headliner to the sides you may find that wrinkles form because the sleeves that hold the bows are too long. Trim the offending sleeves a little (very little) then pull the headliner again. Pull - trim - pull - trim - pull trim......

To put it bluntly, the C-pillars suck. They can seem overwhelming when you see all those huge wrinkles, and a couple pulls most likely won't eliminate them. Work the material into smaller and smaller wrinkles. Don't give up on them.

Also, watch Youtube videos. I saw a great video on wrapping cars that shows how to work out wrinkles. Of course wrap material stretches easier than headliners but the general process is the same. He breaks the wrinkles into triangles and works out each one. I'll see if I can find the video.