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Rear turn signal help!


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2003
Berthoud - Colorful Colorado
On a recent drive, I was informed that my rear turn signals were operating opposite of the direction intended. Investigating further... here are the symptoms.
When turning on my turn signal, the front signals, including the hood lights operate fine. The rear signals lamps also operate fine until.... I hit the brakes - then the rear turn signals become opposite of the applied direction. I am assuming it is not the switch in the column since the indicators work fine without the brakes being applied. Relay...? Ground....? Help!!!

Craig Dunn


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
In order to isolate your electrical problem you will have to go through a process of elimination. Sounds like you may have an electrical short that is grounding out. I would start with the obvious and check all of the wires going to the tail lights for bare wires. Even a strand of wire will create a short. If the wiring looks good I would start replacing the switches and relays. When you turn either the left or right turn signal on do you get the same results? I suggest you post your electrical problem on the following web site http://hotrodders.com
These guys were a great help when I had an electrical problem.

Good Luck



Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Have you done any work at all recently that could have caused this? No matter how improbable, it's almost always the last thing you did that created the problem. Sort of the Murphy's Law or old car restoration. :)

I had a similar short once 2 weeks after having a minor rear fender dent fixed. Turns out the body shop caught a wire when using the hooked dent puller and stipped the insulation. Last time any of my cars has been to a body shop. :)


More times than not it's the turn signal switch. I've had my dash light dim when I put on the brakes, and the taillights go out when the dash light go out, too.

It was the turn signal switch. And I have a tilt wheel, too.

One more thing--be really vigilant about your brake light switch, and especially the plug that connects to the brake light switch. The wires to this plug can be brittle, and after all these years, it can be a real problem!

HOW I wish some Mustang part vendor would make that plug with a pigtail!!!

Also--be sure that those little nylon washers are in the brake light switch when it's attached to the brake pedal. NOT having those nylon washers, will delay your (big) brake lights about 1/2 second.

For what it's worth--
