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For Sale 1968 GT/CS on Ebay

Aug 12, 2013
thanks Steve. Hopefully this is just a reminder to be careful on ebay, or anywhere else for that matter (craigslist, etc) If it it doesn't look right, feel right, or smell right listen to that inner voice.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Hope you reported the scam to e-bay. I don't know what recourse (if any) sellers may have.


PS: I'd love to get my hands on your car. What a primo candidate to be freshened up. All the nice options, and looks like it had TLC over the years.
But right now I'm finishing up a Highland Green CS, with another waiting to be re-done. (So many cars, so little time.) :cry:
Last edited:
Aug 12, 2013
Thx Neil

Thanks Neil,
I did report it to eBay, not as a vendetta, but just to at least flag this one false ID. I doubt they can do much, just close that account but it sounds like they are like gypsies and move onto another phony name and email etc.
Although I loose a fee, I am not disheartened and know I would have regretted selling her in the end
Can't wait to see your progress!
Best wishes to you