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Search results

  1. hookedtrout

    1968 8R01C156235 dying in a field

    Moms, gotta love'em!
  2. hookedtrout

    1968 Lights...Camera...ACTION!

    Way to go TJ!!!!! I must say I like the looks of that book in Jay's hands better than some books I've seen him hold. ;-) I'm probably a little biased however. Cory
  3. hookedtrout

    Port Republic, New Jersey

    Anyone in the Port Republic, New Jersey area that could look at a vehicle to verify it's existence and condition?
  4. hookedtrout

    1968 New Matchbox model!

    I have the gray matchbox and it looks just like your car, I'd bet that is exactly what it was.
  5. hookedtrout

    . Steve is in the House!!

    Here's to hoping your back on your feet in no time and the sudden jaring mysteriously makes the chronic back pain disappear!! I've made my chronic back pain disappear, life is so much better!!
  6. hookedtrout

    1968 Chrome Styled Steel Wheels

    Thanks for taking the time to find this information and sharing it, very interesting.
  7. hookedtrout

    1968 Matching # 302

    Neil said it best.
  8. hookedtrout

    Friday Joke

    I gotta share this, that's fun stuff.
  9. hookedtrout

    1968 On the ground

    One year and it's all bright and shiney and ready to roll as mine continues to sit and gather dust on the old faded paint, I will have had it for 30 years next year, I sure admire you guys that have the dedication and focus to just do it. Nice job!
  10. hookedtrout

    1968 Newby chiming in to say HI

    Welcome, you won't find more informative GT/CS friends anywhere else on the planet, come to think about it, in the universe!!
  11. hookedtrout

    . Happy Birthday RVRTRASH

    Happy Birthday, hope ya have a great day!
  12. hookedtrout

    2007+ Got my 2013 GT/CS

    Ditto what Steve said, nice car.
  13. hookedtrout

    1968 Your Book is Complete Buy Now!!!

    Wear that sucker out, you can always buy another if needed. I have one on my desk at work and it sure is a great conversation piece, I have people thumb through it all the time.
  14. hookedtrout

    For Sale 1966 Ford Mustang GT HCS in Aspen Gold

    For a high dollar car the photo spread leaves a ton to be desired.
  15. hookedtrout

    1968 Your Book is Complete Buy Now!!!

    Thanks man, I'm in the process of having a window seat/book shelf/storage area built under my large picture window and my copy will finally have a nice little spot to reside.
  16. hookedtrout

    1968 R code GT/CS pics at show

    Beautiful, great to see it back in action.
  17. hookedtrout

    . Photo Your Winter Fun

    I love the new word, "Wasy" (Way Easy) I'm stealing it and adding it to my vocabulary!!
  18. hookedtrout

    1968 Rear tail light panel

    No black out on the tail light frames, can't answer you on the fuel splash.
  19. hookedtrout

    1968 Ongoing Discoveries

    Looking awesome Neil!