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Search results

  1. hookedtrout

    What is your gas cost today?

    No idea, guess I should pay more attention. I get gas at the same place every time, it's local and I like to support local small town business. I'm sure it's way more than other places as it's a nice place. I like the family that owns it and every time I fill up bar none the receipt thing is...
  2. hookedtrout

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “The beauty of the 2nd amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.” ~Thomas Jefferson~
  3. hookedtrout

    1968 Ongoing Discoveries

    60? That's just insane! It's always my hope the temperature doesn't get above 60, 60 is perfect! Blizzarding in Idaho today, 5 highways closed this afternoon all surrounding me, no AC needed here.
  4. hookedtrout

    For Sale 68' California Special

    I agree, when I change mine out I think I'm going the same direction.
  5. hookedtrout

    Car Show disappointment

    So...is that you by the plane taking the pictures or is that you behind the lens of this photo.
  6. hookedtrout

    . Photo Your Winter Fun

    I've got a shop and a car in need. Bring all your talents, I'll fill the fridge with beer and I'll be the parts runner. We should have it all knocked out in say a week or so? ;-)
  7. hookedtrout

    . Photo Your Winter Fun

    Way nice Rob, videos should be awesome! Assuming they are of the cars tearing it up and not flames in the shop...
  8. hookedtrout

    . Car show SO Cal

    Now this would be the kind of car show I'd attend, sounds like you had some fun and helped out the kids!!
  9. hookedtrout

    limelyt's BIRTHDAY

    Happy birthday man!
  10. hookedtrout

    Car Show disappointment

    That's a good question and I'm not much of a car show guy so I sure don't have the answer but some possibilites; Saturation, new cars, old cars, motorcycles... Competition, the pursuit of perfection has elevated to the point of ridiculousness? Comraderie, competition has forced the old time...
  11. hookedtrout

    Car Show disappointment

    Or in the car turning a corner! Thanks for the compliment on the photo web!
  12. hookedtrout

    Photo Web

    Ok, I've been showing some of my photography and framing and matting projects at a local little NFP (non for profit) Art Lab. It's been a lot of fun but I continue to get requests to see more work or how can people purchase my work so I went in and placed a bunch of my junk on a photo web...
  13. hookedtrout

    1968 Repro Marchal lights

    Is there a link to the website for purchasing the repro's? Can you purchase just the lens?
  14. hookedtrout

    1968 NEW GT/CS T-shirt Design is Done

    Nice Job! I like it.
  15. hookedtrout

    1968 Measurements

    Awesome! Love the Presidential Blue, always have. Even has the best fogs, Marchals.
  16. hookedtrout

    For Sale 68' California Special

    I agree with Steve, nothing screams "I DON'T HAVE A CLUE" more than someone wanting beyond top dollar and placing an add with no pictures and little or no information related to the item for sale.
  17. hookedtrout

    1968 New California Special T shirt Ideas

    Sounds like fun, I'd certainly entertain the idea of a couple of T-Shirts.
  18. hookedtrout

    Window handle knobs

    It is a great idea, it's kind of what I do, I run the 67 window cranks, never show the car and then I don't have to change them. ;-)
  19. hookedtrout

    Nice weather!

    Well we normally have a couple of feet by now and I can still see my lawn. Everything has gone North or around us, never in my life have I seen a mid January with no snow on the ground...until now!
  20. hookedtrout

    Nice weather!

    Normally here in S.E. Idaho I've plowed the driveway to the point the kids have 12' high piles to sled off of. This year, no snow, my septic drain field is not draining properly due to the fact that there is no snow, we've had sub-zero temps and it's driven the frost down into the drain field...