1968 GT/CS & HCS
2007+ GT/CS
1966-1967 HCS

Details for VIN #8R01C148367
Owner & Dataplate Info Vehicle Options Other Options
Owner: Dan Sousa
Location: CA, USA
VIN: 8R01C148367
Year: GT/CS
Body: 65A
Color: I
Trim: 2A
Day, Month: 07,C
DSO: 71
Axle: 5
Trans: 5
Original Owner?: Unknown
Originally Sold Where?: unknown
Stripe Color: black
Antenna Base: round
Fog Lights: Marchall
Rear Quarter Reflector: attached
Wheels: unknown
Vinyl Top: no
Comp. Handling Package:
Power Disc Brakes:
Power Steering:
GT Equipment:
Accent Paint Stripe:
Front Bumper Guards:
Rear Bumper Guards: Y
Exterior Decor Group:
Luggage Rack:
Remote Mirror:

Additional Comments: My brother puchased this car in the mid-70s, sold it to me in 1989. It came with a Tach.(8K) and 140MPH speedo. I think the car came with the following items but have since been removed: Power Steering Marchal Fog Lamps Bumper Gaurds Front (I still have) AM Radio (I still have) Wood Grain Interior Styled Steel Wheels(Argent w/plain center)& Wide Oval Tires. I have what I think is one of the original tire and wheels as a spare.


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