1968 GT/CS & HCS
2007+ GT/CS
1966-1967 HCS

Details for VIN #8R01C152520
Owner & Dataplate Info Vehicle Options Other Options
Owner: Chip & Kim Bozeman
Location: GA, USA
VIN: 8R01C152520
Year: GT/CS
Body: 65A
Color: X
Trim: 2B
Day, Month: 25,C
DSO: 72
Axle: 2
Trans: W
Original Owner?: Unknown
Originally Sold Where?: unknown
Stripe Color: white
Antenna Base: square
Fog Lights: Marchall
Rear Quarter Reflector: attached
Wheels: unknown
Vinyl Top: no
Comp. Handling Package: N
Power Disc Brakes: N
Power Steering: Y
GT Equipment: N
Accent Paint Stripe: N
Front Bumper Guards: Y
Rear Bumper Guards: N
Exterior Decor Group: N
Luggage Rack: N
Remote Mirror: N

Additional Comments: I\'m supposedly the fourth owner and the first outside the original owner family. Its now totally stripped getting new paint inside and out. Mechanical restoration and undercarriage is complete. Hopeful to have it complete and at the MCA national in Pensacola Florida in late March.


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