1968 GT/CS & HCS
2007+ GT/CS
1966-1967 HCS

Details for VIN #8R01C156470
Owner & Dataplate Info Vehicle Options Other Options
Owner: Adrian
Location: vic, Australia
VIN: 8R01C156470
Year: 1968 GT/CS
Body: --
Color: U
Trim: 2A
Day, Month: 27,A
DSO: --
Axle: 1
Trans: W
Original Owner?: unknown
Originally Sold Where?: unknown
Stripe Color: White
Antenna Base: Square
Fog Lights: Lucas
Rear Quarter Reflector: attached
Wheels: styledsteel-argent/plain
Vinyl Top: NO
Comp. Handling Package: NO
Power Disc Brakes: YES
Power Steering: Y
GT Equipment: N
Accent Paint Stripe: N
Front Bumper Guards: N
Rear Bumper Guards: N
Exterior Decor Group: N
Luggage Rack: N
Remote Mirror: N

Additional Comments: Whlist restoring my GT/CS I missed placed my drivers door ID plate, can you help? I will be submitting some photos of my GT/CS shortly. Thank you Adrian Madia


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Additional HCS material provided by HCS Registrar Bob Teets.
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