1968 GT/CS & HCS
2007+ GT/CS
1966-1967 HCS

Details for VIN #8R01j157558
Owner & Dataplate Info Vehicle Options Other Options
Owner: Madalena/Rory MERKE
Location: B C, USA
VIN: 8R01j157558
Year: GT/CS
Body: 65A
Color: W
Trim: 2F
Day, Month: 17,D
Axle: 5
Trans: W
Original Owner?: Unknown
Originally Sold Where?: Dominion Vancouver motors 901 seymour st van B.C Canada
Stripe Color: black
Antenna Base: round
Fog Lights: Marchal
Rear Quarter Reflector: attached
Wheels: unknown
Vinyl Top: no
Comp. Handling Package:
Power Disc Brakes: Y
Power Steering: Y
GT Equipment:
Accent Paint Stripe: N
Front Bumper Guards: N
Rear Bumper Guards: N
Exterior Decor Group: N
Luggage Rack: N
Remote Mirror: Y

Additional Comments: See marti report . original owner was co owner of Dominion motors and car had a rear ender and there body shop blended the back half with spring time yellow and had the side script on wrong as far as i could tell ??? she said that the scripts were always like this??? and she was the treasurer of the GVMA back then we have sold it in 1990 the were about\'s are unknown ?


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