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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2002
Hi guys! A friend of mine just bought Grundy insurance for his car and wow was it a great deal. For 250.00 for the year he got unlimited miles, insured for 18k, $0.00 deductible but he cannot drive it everyday. This really seems like a good deal but is it too good to be true? Have any of you ever had problems with reporting a claim or any problems with this insurance company? I am now thinking of going with them but if they have a lot of requirements for a claim and it's too hard to get one processed then I think I’ll just stick with my current local carrier. Please guys, any input will help.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
I have heard of Grundy, but have never done any business with them.
I have been in the body shop business for many, many years and I always give my customers the same advice....... Insurance is like anything else, you get what you pay for! People that use cut rate insurance companies like Geico or Progressive think they are beating the system by paying lower premiums, but when it comes time for a repair, the horror begins.
My advice would to get a copy of the complete policy before you buy it and read it carefully. Be sure the policy allows you to have the car repaired where YOU want it fixed, not the insurance co. Also be sure the policy allows you (the customer) to be able to make the decision about what kind of parts go on your car. Some cut rate insurance companies will only pay for aftermarket parts. This is how they save money.
Be sure the insurance co. will pay for OEM or LKQ parts on your request.
Just my 2 cents. Good luck. Nicholas


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2004
Conifer, Colorado
I have always used "collector car" insurance. I have used through the years Grundy, Condon and Skelly and I am now with Great American. All the rates are about the same and are based on the probability of a claim. Since most people that own these types of cars treat them like a true member of the family claim history is low and the insurance companies clear a profit.
I have had no bad experiences. A friend of mine who totaled his Viper and was insured by one of these companies had no problem getting reimbursed for the loss. Just watch the limitations on the policy, such as mileage and driver requirements. Usualy you are not allowed to commute to work in the car, etc. Stick with a major name in the industry. The ones that I have used have all been in the game a long time. Good luck, Mark.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Are you happy with Great American? I just read thier ad in a classic car mag and am considering calling them for a quote. My Mustangs are insured with Farm Bureau at the moment and I just got a letter from them about a price increase coming in January. Advise please. Nicholas


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2004
Conifer, Colorado
Nicholas, yes I have been happy with them. They are a large insurance company and have been around a long time. I believe I pay under $200 per year for the HCS. This allows me 3000 miles per year of pleasure/show driving. Driver is limited to those listed on the policy except when it has to go to a shop for repair or paint etc. It must be garage kept and you must have daily transportation that is newer than 10 years old. I did not need an appriasel, only photo's showing the condition. I agree that the true value of an insurance company is proven when you need them. Luckily I have not had to file a claim in the 6 years or so that I have used these collector car programs. I believe, based on my friends experience with one, that they will stand up for you. Of all the people that I come in contact with that use these companies I have never, to this point, heard of any horror stories. Mark.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
I have used Hagerty Ins. for a collector car in the past (albeit with no claims). It was very competitive in price, but again, I had no claims to file.


Well-known member
May 10, 2003
Using J.C. Taylor / Maryland Casualty Company.

Good rates..good service. Not sure that the whole "Casualty" makes me feel comfortable...hmm.
