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Hobbies (Geocaching)


Active member
Jan 5, 2008
Arma, Kansas
I wanted to share a hobby of mine besides my Mustang or the fact that i've only taken off in a small plane but never landed in one. Something i was introduced to a few years ago to was Geocaching. Geocaching is a new type of treasure hunting with gps coordinates. People from all around the world hide logbooks and boxes of trinkets and post those gps coordinates for others to find. Finding the boxes is fun itself as well as logging your find on their webpage but the most overwhelming thing for me is visiting the locations. Its just a nice feeling to finally stop and smell the roses. You learn alot by just stopping to look at things, learn their history, and visit locations where you'd normally just drive-by. Its a fun interest for all ages and families (single or not). Should anyone be interested... their website is free for anyone interested in this.. all you need is a gps monitor (handheld perferred) and some gas for the car. www.geocaching.com



Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
wow..I think I might start doing this. Am always looking for something to do on the weekends or during spare time and I think this just might be the thing. Thanks Jim

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Dear Tony,
Please explain to me what "spare time" is. Sounds like a foreign concept to me, LOL!

Dear Jim G,
Please explain taking off in a small plane but not landing in one....just kidding! My late husband was a pilot and we had a Cessna 210...he used to say that any landing was just a controlled crash!

(I just love to mess with people, smartass that I am) Actually that Geocaching sounds like fun! Just ask Joedls about the trip we took last week to a swap meet and I was given a handheld thing with pretty colored roads and stuff on it and told to find our way. I was like Whaaaaa..? It's in my head, I already know how to get there. (As I told him the wrong way to go on a surface street short cut!) But hey...we got there! :grin:


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
I read about "spare time" in a history book I once had.. It sounded neat atleast :grin:


What about a Geocoaching/GPS hunt for GT/CS historical sites?

A.O. Smith Plant, Ionia, Mich.

Milpitas Plant

Hyatt Regency, Bev. Hills

Galpin Ford, etc....

Paul N.

(....and Donna's house, for no other reason than to mess with HER head! LOL!!! :p )


Active member
Jan 5, 2008
Arma, Kansas
Laughs at Donna: Actually last year my sister convinced me to visit and skydive out of a plane at 10,000 feet. I soared like an eagle and lost my cookies at about 4000 feet and all the way home. Freefall is great.. its just hard to escape yourself when your tied in midair under a canopy. Hence.. never landing in a small plane. You just jump. hehe

Yeah my first official use of a gps monitor.. i typed in one (just one) digit wrong and was like 30 miles in the middle of a corn field looking for a geocache. After questioning the persons motives to hide something where it can be plowed up i went back to the truck not finding it and began reviewing the hints.. yep it was my fault.. thank goodness it wasn't during harvest. lol


Active member
Jan 5, 2008
Arma, Kansas
You know Paul that might not be such a bad idea.. Something else they have in geocaching is GeoCoins. People pay to have coins created and add tracking numbers on them and place them in the geocaches. As the coins are found geocachers move them from cache to cache entering their numbers on the website and your able to log their travel miles. Notice that some coins do get stolen and not replaced in a cache but i'll say 95% are honest folks that do geocaching. Theres also Travel Bugs in geocaching...where people place a trinket or something attached to a travel bug (a purchased tag with tracking number) in caches. Most of those i've found are for a specific place to its moving to some location across the country. Its not always a direct route as i've given some of these to my neice and nephew and my neices travelbug w/photos are someplace in the UK while my nephews travelbug w/photos is in N.Dakota.. both placed in a Seattle WA cache on the same day. Its fun tracking items though and watching their movement. Should you be able, browse the geocache website and look at some of the local caches in your area, your sure to be surprised. www.geocache.com

p.s. Didn't you get Donna's coordinates.. rofl.. (slap me later Donna) j/k. :)


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I live in a very small town and according to the local residents, my garage is a GT/CS historical place just because I have a GT/CS in it, ha ha.

Geocaching sounds like alot of fun, but with gas prices soaring the way they are, it makes it difficult I`m sure.