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Marchal / Lucas


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2003
I'm missing the bulbs, bulb sockets and wiring on my Marchal fog lamps. Orlando Mustang says it will cost several hundred per lamp to come up with original pieces. Does anyone know of an alterative for a daily driver? Should I switch to Lucas?


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2002
You are not the only guy with this problem, when I bought my Cal years ago, the bulbs, sockets and wiring to the lights was not there either. When you pulled the switch knob the dash lights and parking lights would come on. I ran into the original owner (not who I bought the car from) a few years later, he told me when he got the recall notice for the lamps, he took the car to the dealer. They showed him the Lucas lights that they were going to install on the car, and he said he didn't like them, he wanted to keep the Marshalls. The only way he could keep the Marshalls was to remove the bulbs, sockets and wires to them. So, thats what the dealer did. Since trying to find the original parts was next to impossible back when I had bought the car. I custom fitted 6 volt VW bug headlight bulbs into the housing and wired them to the switch(no hacking was done the the Marshall lights at all only to the VW Bulbs). They are more of a novelty item now and light up like extra parking lights, at least they work. I have factory Marshall lights on my 92 Lincoln LSC, and honestly never use them, and they work fine. So having ass kicking foglights is not a real big deal to me, but I do like them to at least light up. I am interested in anyone else who has retrofitted custom bulbs and sockets into these rare lights.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
you can find them on ebay, the bulbs and bulb holders. I usually see a set on there about once a month. I will post a link the next time I see a set.


Well-known member
May 10, 2003
I have the Marchal lights, and found a guy in Italy who will send you two sockets and two bulbs for the actual light for like 160 bucks, thats tax and shipping included.

They are reproduction sockets, but fit inside the Marchal fog light casing. Only person I could find that has this stuff.

You can e-mail him at:

Or visit www.italparts.com

Dont use Orlando Mustang and end up paying 500 bucks or so per light, for a daily driver this is great you get the sockets wiring and bulbs for like 160 bucks.

Hope this helps!
