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Nice looking car. However I'm a traditionalist.....................think the car would show better with white sidewalls or raised white lettering. I believe white sidewalls go more in line with 1968.
How does it happen that a CS gets the late-68 side makers (rear) but he Marchals? I thought the Lucas lights came in about the same time the inset-style rear reflectors went away? I've seen a few like this and figured someone had put the wrong driving lights on.
How does it happen that a CS gets the late-68 side makers (rear) but he Marchals? I thought the Lucas lights came in about the same time the inset-style rear reflectors went away? I've seen a few like this and figured someone had put the wrong driving lights on.
It has been my understanding that the Marchal lights were banned by some States, but not all of them.
Simple manufacturing practices make me believe that the Marchal lights could have been installed on GT/CS and HC Specials destined to States that did not have a ruling, in order to use remaining stock of Marchal lights.
A.O. Smith in Michigan had a similar problem with the 1968 Shelby's and Cougar XR7-G's.
It was California that had a problem with the Marchals and they were changed to Lucas at the factory in May I believe. The change in the reflector was a cost cutting change due to the strike, which was before the change to Lucas fog lights. So many cars would have come from the factory with the late reflector and Marchals.
Did anyone notice that the Marchals on this car appear to be pedestal mounted vice mounted in the grill brackets? Marchals seem to have been the early fog light on the early cars, but I have seen them on many later built cars.