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1968 My Car Is Fake!!! (According To Some Jerk At A Car Show)


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
Took the 68 CS to a local car show yesterday. Entered her in '60s stock. No sooner have we gotten set up and I'm off to the men's room when this guy in a Mach 1 parks next to us. The guy jumps out and proceeds to tell my wife that we can't enter our car as stock because its not a real CS. My wife asks him what do you mean. He responds all '68 CS were fast backs and if she doesn't remove our car from the stock class he will go to the judges. Needless to say my wife was pissed. When I got back she told me what the guy said and I told him he had it backwards and asked him where he got his info. He knows that to be a fact because he read it on the internet. I showed him the "How to identify" section from this site and he said this site was wrong. Finally I showed him the Marti for the car. At that point he mumbled something and went back to his car. A few minutes later he packed up and said he was going to a different show. What a jerk.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
He probably didn't want your car taking the attention away from his car.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Maybe that is how he wins.

By intimidating his competators into removing themselves from his class. When he didn't get his way and had egg on his face after you proved him wrong, he must have left so he wouldn't have to lose. Good Job.

Isn't the internet great. It make experts out of everyone. LOL He must have been confusing the GT/CS with the ever elusive Mach I Coupe.

My guess is he was thinking the GT/CS was a Shelby, and had to be a fastback.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
In my early show days people like that used to drive me crazy and I dreaded running into them, but later I looked forward to meeting them and telling them more than they ever wanted to know about California Specials.

Jim, it may help to print out some magazine articles and have them handy, assuming the knuckle-draggers can read. If not, they can look at the pretty pictures and still get the idea!

Here's an article about a T-code so it also debunks the people who claim there were no 6-cylinder GT/CSs.


  • 1996 July Mustang Monthly Cover.jpg
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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
It is a shame that some folks spew so much incorrect information. These are the same people that think every 1969-70 fast back is a Mach 1, and they also believe that 351 Cleveland engines came in the 1969 Mach 1.

It has happened to me at the Fab Ford Show at Knott's. A guy accused me of installing a factory oil cooler on my 1969 R-Code Cougar XR7. Said that it had to have come from a Mustang, since everyone knows that they never installed them on a Cougar. My Cougar is a factory Super Cobra Jet.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Jim, it may help to print out some magazine articles and have them handy, assuming the knuckle-draggers can read. If not, they can look at the pretty pictures and still get the idea!

Hey, I resemble that remark. And I'll have you know that I can read just fine, thank you.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Why do you qualify as a knuckle-dragger? You don't go up to owners of cars you don't understand and tell the owners all about them.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Why do you qualify as a knuckle-dragger? You don't go up to owners of cars you don't understand and tell the owners all about them.

I guess I should have added an LOL or a smiley face or something. I have been known to be rather crude at times (thus the knuckle-dragger reference). But you're last sentence is absolutely true.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Well, on the flip side. My clone won an award at a show as a real GT/CS! I wasn't present at the awards ceremony because I didn't think it was possible...

Man! Good thing I wasn't there to tell THAT "jerk" a thing or two! ;-)


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
Now that I think about it the funniest part of the whole thing is my wife has a copy of the dealership brochure laminated on a piece styrofoam that she places under the hood so people can read about the car. As we all know the brochure has a picture of the car on it. You would think this idiot would have seen the brochure picture and realized the car was at least offered in a coupe. BTW my wife was ready to kick this guy's butt! She loves the CS and does not take kindly to folks talking bad about it.

Speaking of car show jerks, I had one ask me why I put "California Special" on the car!!!


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
I've had guys argue with me, telling me the Columbine Blue color is not a correct color for our HCS, or any Mustang!

Then there is the guys that says; "I had a car just like yours, except mine was a chevy and it was red" :rolleyes:

Have fun, Dave