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1968 Newbie


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Hello all,

I'm new to the gt/cs community. I recently acquired a nice driver quality gt/cs. It's a white c code with factory ps as about the only option. The black interior appears to be original and is still in very good condition. My plans at the moment are to just do a driving sympathetic restoration. It is extremely rust free. Original floors and all original sheet metal. It will need a respray at some point but the original engine has had a recent rebuild and it drives pretty decent. I am currently in the middle if a rotisserie restoration of a 65 fastback so that takes up most of my free time. Any way this looks like a cool site and I have already picked up some good pointers on a grill and surround restoration. I was lucky enough to get the last pair of fog light brackets from delta bay and just finished that project. Anyway I'm sure I will be lurking quite a bit picking up pointers on this interesting breed of mustang. This is my fourth classic mustang but my first gt/cs. I hope to learn alot along the way and offer assistance when I can.



Humble, Tx


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005

Welcome Brett, You will find owning a GT/CS is an experience all it's self. LOL. Love to see pics of the car, and of course, GOTTA ASK, being the friendly neighborhood Registrar, Can you send me the VIN on the car and/or the Marti Report if you have it. Would love to make sure it is in the Registry.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
Welcome aboard. This is a great place for the GT/CS enthusiast. Lots of helpful people and information. You might want to consider picking up a copy of the GT/CS Recognition Guide and Owner's Manual by Paul Newitt. It has an incredible amount of information and detail in it. I've read mine cover to cover, and it is a great reference for the GT/CS owner. :grin:


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
Brett, Welcome..I can attest to the sheer volume of collective info the folks are eager to share on this site. I definitely encourage you to visit our local Texas encyclopedia Arlie right there in Humble. He has always provided excellent/reliable info and eager to help...Thanks Arlie and welcome again Brett...shane