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1968 Random Suspension Questions


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2013
Hi All

As I sway wildly between keep and see I figured if I try to tear into this thing some more maybe I will past my wall.

I was planning on doing full suspension rebuild new a arms ect, but the n I was wondering about just doing bushings and such.

Money is not an issue it is trying to keep the car as original as possible.

I have a full powdercoat line at work and sandblast so I could easily sandblast and powder coat my old A Arms and buy new bushings.

So give me some input should buy all the new suspension parts (Springs a arms and such) or should I replace the bushings and wear parts.

My other concern is fit and quality of the parts I buy.

I have seen some pretty crappy repops

Thanks all


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
I have never been disappointed in a restored Ford part. Its a different story on the reproduction parts. I am a concours guy so added performance is not as important as authenticity.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
How are you going to drive it?

As Marty notes as long as the original part is not damaged or corroded they usually scrub up fine.

If a daily street driver stock parts work fine.