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Recent content by CaliStang68

  1. C

    1968 Rear Spoiler Script Placement

    Arlie and as we discussed, then you will have your outliers to make things harder, where the Ford assembly worker or restorer perhaps, may have placed it in the wrong or close enough location since it was a blues Monday or a hurry up Friday. -Rick
  2. C

    1968 CS emblem snapped

    Does anybody have any advice how to repair a "California" emblem. It snapped between the A and L. It's a pretty clean snap. I'm just not sure what type of adhesive to apply. It's an or, was an NOS so I would like to try and save it as these are getting more and more difficult to find. Unless you...
  3. C

    1968 Another guy loses his car due to the CA fire

    I don't usually do this, but I felt compelled to share this. Forwarding from the VMF site but originally listed on the SAAC forum. https://www.saac.com/forum/index.php?topic=29322.msg209554;topicseen#msg209554
  4. C

    1968 California Special emblems

    It could have been the time of year. Oct vs Dec/Jan timeframe folks are still recovering from the holidays.
  5. C

    1968 California Special emblems

    Hello, How much would you take for the used set? Thanks Rick
  6. C

    1968 Dad's GTCS project

    Very blessed!
  7. C

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    Thanks so much to all and for squeezing my cars in (back cover) for this calendar. I just ordered 5 of them. First time ever!!!
  8. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    Thanks to everyone for your help as well. I learned a lot about these fog-lights here in the last couple of days.
  9. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    All, Disregard looking for a lense. Arlie helped me out, by educating me. THANKS ARLIE!
  10. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    Well my light died or I blew it up testing it. Does anyone have a working extra Lucas lens they would sell? Also do all Lucas lights have 2 wires on the back of the lense itself 1 ground and 1 white coming from the center of the light? Thanks Rick
  11. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    Thanks Marty.
  12. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    I'm not sure. It seems to work when tested. but I will check it again.
  13. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    Arlie, I have not gotten that far today. I was checking for bad grounds and mis- connections which I found and cleaned several times. I really dread breaking one of those little wires on the bulbs. Also are the tailights supposed to come on with the foglight switch?
  14. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    Update: I connected the fog-lights to the right terminals/plug, so no more headlights and fog-lights coming on at same time. But the dimness is still there especially in one fog-light light???? Could the thick rubber grommet under the pedestal be the culprit????
  15. C

    1968 Lucas Lights Seem Dim

    I haven't tried diagnosing a possible grounding issue, but after researching here it seems I have the fog-lights plugged into a wrong terminal. I also noticed when I turn on the headlights (engine not running and no key)) the fog-lights come on as well, followed by a humming sound.