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Recent content by di81977

  1. di81977

    1968 Neil Hoppe

    Very nice of you to go out and help Peggy! Does she still have her T-Bird?
  2. di81977

    For Sale 1968 GTCS Sunlit Gold J Code 4 Speed

    Gold with parchment vinyl roof, you don’t see that very often. I wonder what color the strips were originally?
  3. di81977

    Wanted Mustang GT/CS Recognition Guide

    Igor, I’ve sent you shipping info to Germany. Let me know what you think. If it’s too expensive to ship, I’m going to put it up for sale to others on the site. Thanks
  4. di81977

    Wanted Mustang GT/CS Recognition Guide

    Congrats on your purchase. If you’re looking for this, send me a private message. I was holding it for another member that was local to me, but he hasn’t responded. It’s in like new condition.
  5. di81977

    For Sale FREE - upper radiator insulators

    Cleaning up and found these from years back. C7OZ-8124-A3. Scott Drake. Don’t want to toss. Hopefully someone can use or add to their clutter of parts! Just pay shipping.
  6. di81977

    1968 Neil Hoppe

    So sad to hear of Neil‘s passing. Real loss for the GT/CS community. I was fortunate to spend time with Neil at his airport years ago. Really amazing man. Condolence's to his family.
  7. di81977

    1968 GT/CS Registry hardcover book

    I might be willing to sell mine and I’m right down the street in Erie.
  8. di81977

    New jacket

    Looks similar to this car.
  9. di81977

    For Sale 1968 HCS in Colorado

    T code HCS converted to V8 in Grand Junction Co https://denver.craigslist.org/cto/d/grand-junction-1968-mustang-high/7676566707.html
  10. di81977

    Wanted Anyone Selling at Mecum or Barrett-Jackson?

    And very well restored!
  11. di81977

    For Sale Partial floor console

    Clearing out some stuff I’ve collected over the years. Here are a few console components. Really nice condition given their age! Posting here before going to other forums. Pad with trim plate Radio bezel and trim Auto shift indicator plate Not sure of the name of the last item (I believe...
  12. di81977

    1968 Date Codes and VINs

    Replacement block and re-stamp? Not sure why someone would re-stamp a c code with an incorrect date block though.
  13. di81977

    For Sale 1967 HCS

    Not mine. Posted in Denver craigslist https://denver.craigslist.org/cto/d/dearing-1967-ford-mustang-hcs-high/7634280550.html