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Search results

  1. Ed-in-SD

    SOLD GT/CS Recognition Guide and Owner's Manual 1989. Signed by Paul Newitt.

    If Ricky passes, then I would buy it. No question!!!
  2. Ed-in-SD

    1968 Advice on originality

    Thank you Gatorbait & Franklinair. Great looking cars and advice!!! I am keeping any and all parts that come off the car. I wanted to thank the community again for all the valuable input on my restoration. I got the car back in November, and it has been running good ever since. I have taken it...
  3. Ed-in-SD

    1968 Advice on originality

    I have recently acquired a 1968 Ford Mustang, California Special C-code, 289 two-barrel car. The original color is Gulfstream Aqua and overall, it's in very good shape. Kept in dry storage, minimal rust, engine runs. The car was garaged for the last 20 years and covered in a carport for...