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Search results

  1. H

    Hood Turn Signal Rubber Grommet

    Some time ago I questioned the same thing.Since then I was told by a MCA judge that they didn't have the grommets in the holes. On the metal frame that supports radiator the holes for the headlights where the wires goes through ,a plastic grommets works perfect. I think that they run about 2...
  2. H

    '67 Mustang Pickup

    I ran across a mustang that was turned into a stationwagon. I though that it was well balanced.
  3. H

    Restoration Costs

    ;D The only think that I can say it's a lot of fun. If you can't have some fun what good is it. :o
  4. H

    GT/CS for sale for $30,000

    I don't belive that I like the interior color....In fact I don't.
  5. H

    Restoration Costs

    My car ran the same. total including the car. 22. Like I said before it got me into trouble with the better half. ::)
  6. H

    The Finished Stevenson Car

    ::)On ebay I ran across a orginal 1967 magazine article about "lil red". I'm anxious to get it and see what's the article about 8).
  7. H

    What do the side scoops screws screw into?

    ::)When you are past 60 it goes in one ear and out the outher.
  8. H

    Battery Tray Size

    I replaced my battery tray with a 68 repo ??? and the new 24 battery fit perfect. ::)
  9. H

    Car Show Help

    ::)I have ran across some shows where a show board is a no no. until after the judging. Hood up, trunk open . The cars are not roped off. The best think is to keep a open eye on the car. Some shows requite a fire extinguisher. All the hoses should have all the visable marks showing like all the...
  10. H

    World Premiere of Cars at Carlisle TV special

    The program airs nationally on Speed channel Thursday, March 3, at 9 PM . ::)
  11. H

    Paul's 96 Registry on Ebay

    ::)I'll take three copies, AACA ,my son and one for myself. I consider myself lucky about purchasing the second book for 50 bucks from Tony Branda, which I gave to the AACA library.
  12. H

    Paul's 96 Registry on Ebay

    8)While at the Hershey car show this past fall I ran across Tony Branda. I purchased the last one from him. The AACA Library didn't have any information about the GTCS or HCS mustang car. They have the latest edition now. I'm looking for the first one now.
  13. H

    GT/CS in new Ford Dealer Calendar

    ;D I was fortunate enough to get the calendar. My son ran across one. The person that he got it from said that only four calendars per dealership. Considering that I was lucky. ::) 8) The weatherman is predicting 14 or more inches of snow with winds up to 35. Come on Philadelphia and Pittsburg...
  14. H

    Padding under trunk matt

    The only think that I put down was the matt itself.
  15. H

    Christmas 04 Travel - Not Easy Going

    :o Look at Cal. all of thr rain along the coast and snow in the mountains about three to four feet. Here in Pa. I hunted deer in 32 inches of snow and thats enough. ???
  16. H

    judging rules

    8) I got a reply from MCA and they are going to change the rules pertaining to the black around the taillights bezel. ;D I plan on meeting him at the Youngstown show next year. Maybe you heard of him, Jonnie Garner. He took over the head judging for MCA in the 68 Mustangs class taking Dave...
  17. H

    Console, steering wheel resto.

    My car came with a Grant steering wheel. Which was in bad shape. I purchased a repo and it fit pretty good. Word to the wise if you have a automatic change the shifter bushing while the console is out.
  18. H

    Nice CS on eBay

    ;D Yep, I put the GT valance with the tips and I think that it looks sharpe. Thanks for the reply on the windshield. After NEW Year I'll start looking. ::)
  19. H

    Nice CS on eBay

    ??? What about a 302 with the cut outs? I switched it to duals and tips during the restoration. Since it's a J code could you get it with the duals?
  20. H

    So what are your 2005 GT/CS plans?

    I got a few minor jobs to do on my hcs. Some things that should of been during the restoration period. Like replacing the shifter bushing with a console in. Another item is replacing my windshield . I'm looking for a Ford tinted one. Any help would be appreciated.