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Search results

  1. N

    07 GT/CS on msn.com

    I know most of you have a 68, but mine is an 07 and I love her. I saw this article on msn.com and thought I'd share it. Be sure to look at the first car... I saved a screenshot to hold on to. Maybe in 40 years, it will be a classic like your 68's! :) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19073071/
  2. N

    2007 GT/CS Billet Grille

    Am I wrong, or shouldn't the billet UPPER grille made for the 05+ GT fit the GT/CS? http://www.americanmuscle.com/upper-billetgrille-ponycut-2005gt.html I know the BOTTOM has a custom front bumper. Maybe then we'd have to order from the link above. Does anyone know what the lower and upper...