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Search results

  1. MisterMarchal

    Wanted Reproduction Marchal lights represented as NOS on ebay!

    Not my listing. These are REPRODUCTION, not NOS as stated many times in the listing. Also, 656 IODE is not the correct model used on any '68 Mustang. These reproductions are excellent, including boxes and reprinted paperwork. However, I see them at shows and on ebay constantly being...
  2. MisterMarchal

    For Sale 1968 GTCS Red J Code W Auto - Volo Cars

    Early production, Feb or March, since the Marchal grille brackets can be seen behind the Lucas lamps.
  3. MisterMarchal

    SOLD Marchal lights ALMOST CORRECT(!!!) originals $299

    For sale are a nice matching set of original Marchal fog lights. $299 ! Not reproductions that have 'IODE 656' molded in to the glass (which are reproductions of the version made after the correct lenses). These are the earlier lens design that came BEFORE (1964/65) the exactly correct lenses...
  4. MisterMarchal

    SOLD Marchal 656 IODE lights $399

    Pair of original used Marchal fog lights with NOS 656 IODE lenses installed. Not reproduction, made in France. $399 shipped. Cheaper than reproductions (no tax) and real vintage Marchal. 656 IODE are not the exactly correct lenses for California Specials. However, reproduction Marchal lights...
  5. MisterMarchal

    SOLD Marchal fog lights Correct, Original & Complete

    ALL SOLD - please contact me if you need Marchal lights for your car, thank you. Hey everybody with an early production CS that would have originally left the factory with French Marchal fog lights. I spent the summer hunting for Marchals and have three beautiful original pairs for sale...
  6. MisterMarchal

    SOLD Marchal fog lights for sale CORRECT

    Marchal fog lights. Immaculate, original, show quality. TOTALLY Complete, exactly correct pair. I have these on ebay for $750 but can offer a better deal here because of ebay seller fees. Excellent used condition, new bulbs. No dents in factory chrome. Eyebrow bezels are like new. Housings...
  7. MisterMarchal

    For Sale Marchal fog lights 1968 Ford Shelby GT350 GT500 California Special

    This is my listing on ebay, been collecting Marchal lights for 20 years. I'm happy to answer any questions and make a good deal for someone on the forum. No sales tax and insured & tracked shipping. Gavin text or call 831 five 9 four - 99 eight zero On Instagram at MisterMarchal