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For Sale GT/CS Tshirts.. I have (3) left


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2011
Sacramento, CA
Hi folks., did a run of these Tee shirts for members a few years back., just found 3 that I still have., they are brand new. I only have three left...I have (2) xxxl and (1) xxl. ($25 each)
If interested in all three., can sell all for $60 for the three plus ship. These will not fit in a small priority mail box., so will go out in a bigger box., shipping will be determined on location...probably around $7 for a single shirt., a little more for all three.

Thanks., if interested, please email me at guysgt390@yahoo.com

Thanks to all of you who ordered these, I hope you are wearing them proudly!

No plans to do another design unless I get enough interest to do another design. If interested, please let me know and I may consider doing another..I own a graphic design company and been doing this for a lonnnng time: http://www.DesignGuyPro.com

I also do any type of design from product design, logo design, to web design and social media posting etc....if you need any help with anything, please don't hesitate to contact me on your next project.

Thanks., Guy


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