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My Dad has an 06' GT.. he usually just gives it a good last cleaning, the car goes onto jack-stands, plugs exhaust (no random animals), and places an oscilating fan in front and in back of the car to keep the air circulating and keeps moisture from settling on the car. Might be overkill but it keeps his mind at ease lol.
If you're going to store it for more than a few months, put more gas in the tank and put in a fuel stabilizer with it. I'm probably just going to put it in the garage after a real good cleaning and come out and start it up and run it a little every week or so.
It's good to start it at least a few times to allow the seals to stay moist. Also, when you go to remove it, give it an oil and filter change immediately.
I always change the oil before I store it (on jack stands, in a heated garage, 2 large overhead industrial fans, fuel stablizer, trickle charge batteries, breathable car cover). Run the engine for a few minutes after the change. That way you flush all the old contaminents out of the bearing surfaces.
If you're going to store it for more than a few months, put more gas in the tank and put in a fuel stabilizer with it. I'm probably just going to put it in the garage after a real good cleaning and come out and start it up and run it a little every week or so.
It's good to start it at least a few times to allow the seals to stay moist. Also, when you go to remove it, give it an oil and filter change immediately.
My husband does this to both my Stangs in the winter months, the gas thing,I do the rest, with the exception of starting them, who ever get to it. It looks as thought I will putting my convert away this month and the GT/CS,depends how the weather stays good, drive it till they start the salt thing here. I usually take the insurance off mine the convert, just enought to keep it in the garage, and for the GT/CS, well will drive it until the weather changes and put it away and out comes my 90 Bronco ll for winter months, just to go to work and than we just drive my husband's truck.
mice traps around the cars for me. found nest in my 55 chevy one year. the standard "cheese" snap traps work fine with peanut butter on them. I caught six that year. I catch one every so often now, but havent had problems with them in the cars anymore.
i have never thought of circulating fans to keep air moving. I may try that this year.... good new idea. casey
mice traps around the cars for me. found nest in my 55 chevy one year. the standard "cheese" snap traps work fine with peanut butter on them. I caught six that year. I catch one every so often now, but havent had problems with them in the cars anymore.
i have never thought of circulating fans to keep air moving. I may try that this year.... good new idea. casey
I always change the oil before I store it (on jack stands, in a heated garage, 2 large overhead industrial fans, fuel stablizer, trickle charge batteries, breathable car cover). Run the engine for a few minutes after the change. That way you flush all the old contaminents out of the bearing surfaces.
Resurrecting all thread....does anyone have experience with battery disconnects? There are alot on the market including ones for starter kill to prevent theft.
Has anyone used these to isolate your battery power or do you need to "trickle"?