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1968 Black 428 at Fabulous Fords

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Jon remarked on the other thread that it was an S-code 390 car. 'Still rare, but nowhere near the league of the true '68.5 R-code IMO...

P.S. It's former owner posted on SAAC that it was an original X-code (390 2v).
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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
VIN under the windshield said "S".

Thanks for posting a link to those pics mherman2. There's even a shot of Bronco. :grin:


...Indeed, your Bronco looks great Jon! As for the 'S' vs 'X', we may be talking different cars I suppose, or there is some mis-info going on as happens... In any case, a big block GT/CS is rarer than Shelbys, but still not in the same league...

Question: Have all three R-code GT/CS cars been accounted for (aside from the nine HCS) ?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Shelby's are less rare than John's Cobra Jet GT/CS!!!


There are more total '68 Shelbys than there are total GT/CSs + HCSs.
4450 vs. 4118

From the Coral Snake:

Preproduction Prototypes: 5 (3 convertibles and 2 fastbacks)

Total production: 4450

Total Convertible: 1324
Total Fastback: 3126

GT350 Convertible: 404*
GT350 Fastback: 1053*

GT500 Convertible: 402*
GT500 Fastback: 1020

GT500KR Convertible: 518*
GT500KR Fastback: 1053

*Included in those totals are these cars assigned to Hertz:

GT350 Convertible: 1
GT350 Fastback: 224

GT500 Convertible: 1
GT500 Fastback: None

GT500 KR Convertible: 1


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
...Indeed, your Bronco looks great Jon! As for the 'S' vs 'X', we may be talking different cars I suppose, or there is some mis-info going on as happens... In any case, a big block GT/CS is rarer than Shelbys, but still not in the same league...

Question: Have all three R-code GT/CS cars been accounted for (aside from the nine HCS) ?

I know of 2 of the 3 and I'm 99% sure the third is known ( my memory is a little foggy on the third). There was a discussion on here about the big 3.