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Car is almost done


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Heard from the shop today and my car is about done. They're are installing the stripes tomorrow and finishing last minute detailing. Then it's back to the upholstry shop for the rear seat belts to go in. I'm having 3 points put in so the kids can ride legal. I forgot all about this little detail until now. We're having beautiful weather now so I hope it holds 'till it's done. I feel like a kid before Christmas:icon_lol: !
There is still SO much more I want to do, even aside from all the engine detailing it needs- new widow cranks, floor mats, arm rests, radio and bezel, steering wheel reso, trunk mats, wheel detail and on and on! But that's stuff that can wait a bit 'cause I'm pretty maxed out:undecided .
I'll post pictures as soon as it comes home!


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Check with your state BMV. Most states allow you to run the seat belts that came with the car because of it being a classic. But, on the other hand I have seen folks swap them out for the very reason you mentioned. I plan on doing that with mine eventually but, not until the finances recover from my engine build.



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
California law only requires a seat belt if the vehicle was so equiped from the factory. If the seat belt was just a lap belt, then that is all that is required. My 57' Cameo P/U never had seat belts, so I am not required to install them,(although I will when I restore the truck, Just smart to do so). Again, only if the vehicle was so equiped from the factory. Like Don said, Check with your local DMV or any law enforcement officer. They should be able to tell you what your local state law requires. Mike


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
My car was missing the belts in the first place so I had to put something in so I figured it might as well be 3 point. My kids are pretty young (6 and 10) so I feel safer with the 3 points, even for just the occasional drive.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
OK how many of you old timers (like me) after the mandatory seat belt wearing laws went into effect said something like:
I'm not wearing those damn seat belts, I'll just put them on if I get pulled over.
Then started wearing them regularly AFTER you got that ticket because you forgot to put them on when you got pulled over.
And now feel strange driving without it????


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Being a Deputy Coroner, I can tell you first hand, WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS. I have had to pull to many bodies out of cars, or worse, off the pavement, out of the cars, because of the lack of wearing seatbelts than I care for. WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS!!!!!!!! Don't worry about the ticket, worry about your family. Mike


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I always wear my seat belts, and it's a good thing because they saved my life once. However, I hate the idea of being told I have to wear one or the state will give me a ticket if I don't conform. I would wear a seat belt without the law, just don't like the law. I wear a motorcycle helmet but don't like the helmet law, non-smoker and don't like the ban smoking laws. Must be my rebel side.
Steve (Yes, from N. Idaho! Did any of you see that black helicopter?:grin: )


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
before the law I never wore seatbelts. I ALWAYS wear them now. I remember when the law came around and thought the state was forcing me to do something I did not want to do. Funny how we get conditioned to thinking a certain way (good or bad).


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Never wore one as a kid, always wear it now. The interesting thing to me is my kid, 7 years old and he has an absolute fit if you start the car or start moving before he has his seatbelt on. He grew up wearing it and doesn't want the car to even move till it's done up and he makes sure everyone else has theirs done up as well. I can remember when kids threw fits if they were asked to wear one.

Times do change and oft times for the better.



Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
It has become a habit that I put mine on without even thinking about it. The kids do the same with me about making sure everyone has theirs on before the car is placed in reverse. My only problem is I get so use to having it on, that if I go someplace that I have to take it off, say to get my walet out at a drive up ATM, I forget to put it back on. Good thing I have the kids to remind me.



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
My kids were in car seats and seat belts from the time I brought them home from the hospital. You should have seen the dumbfounded and confused looks on their faces when they rode a school bus for the first time. At first they refused to ride without a seatbelt, but then then after explaining to them that the system is so perfect, they realized they would have to go along with it. To this day they feel very unsafe riding in school buses without safety belts. I learned the reason buses don`t have them is because the driver has to be in control of the students at all times and if they wreck and he has to get those kids off in a hurry, he would have to make sure all those belts were off first. Of course he is buckled in to make sure he does`nt lose conciousness.

Sara, I`m so happy for you! I can`t imagine driving a car with a brand new paint job. Your kids are gonna be so proud. Congratulations!

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I've never objected to wearing a seat belt.As a teen I went buggying out in the desert with a friend in his VW and he took a banked curve too fast and we flipped in the air and rolled on the ground, landed on the roof.I was hanging upside down from the belt. I'm sure it saved my life.

Sometimes when I think I am going to live on the edge..I think.....well I'm just not gonna wear my seat belt! :icon_no: And I don't even get out the driveway before I buckle up.

I always wondered why buses don't have seat belts.....still doesn't make sense to me.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Yeah, I can safely say (no pun intended) I have been saved by a seatbelt a couple times now. My husband too. He rolled our 85 Bronco ll 8 times and only survived without hardly a scratch because of his seatbelt. The guy from the wrecking yard called and told me "to tell the guy who was in the crash that he should go to church and thank God". I told him it was my husband and why? He said by the looks of the Bronco that he never should have survived. I told my husband what the guy said and he just laughed it off. My husband is a former champion bullrider so his outlook on it was that he "just rode her out". LOL


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
I've always worn mine even as a teenager. Once I joined the Air Force, it was mandatory. If you were stopped on base and didn't have it on as an active duty member you could receive and article 15. Since I was a cop in the military it was even worse if you were caught without it on.

Even after I left th military and went into the private sector of law enforcement it became one of my pet peeves. What really ticked me off the most was a parent holding an infant in their lap in the front seat. :mad: I had one lady try to tell me one day it was for the childs safety. :rolleyes: I politely explained the difference of safety and an adult body crushing the infant against the dash board. :cry: I think she had a different outlook about it after that.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
And the old Mustang shoulder belts are a little different than those found in new cars. There are no tensioners so it's a weird feeling for some people who have never ridden in an old car. I used to cinch mine just as tight as it would go. Didn't like any play in the belt at all. If I could breathe it wasn't tight enough! I wonder what Dr. Von Quack would say about that? Probably don't want to know.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
68gt390 said:
I've always worn mine even as a teenager. Once I joined the Air Force, it was mandatory. If you were stopped on base and didn't have it on as an active duty member you could receive and article 15. Since I was a cop in the military it was even worse if you were caught without it on.

Even after I left th military and went into the private sector of law enforcement it became one of my pet peeves. What really ticked me off the most was a parent holding an infant in their lap in the front seat. :mad: I had one lady try to tell me one day it was for the childs safety. :rolleyes: I politely explained the difference of safety and an adult body crushing the infant against the dash board. :cry: I think she had a different outlook about it after that.


I heard something about Brittney Spears getting caught just the other day riding with her infant on her lap. She really does`nt have any brains.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Our 3 year old let's us have it if I start to move the car and one of us are not buckled. Even if it's just to move a little in a parking lot.

My wife and I wear them all the time - I started always wearing it when the laws were passed and also don't feel comfortable anymore without it on.

We've told our 3 year old to never unbuckle her car seat until we're totally stopped and getting out of the car ... she doesn't do it at a stop light for example. But she calls us on it if we do.

It's funny ... you hear this little voice from the back seat in the morning if I start pulling out of a space before my wife is buckled "Daaaady ... Mommy doesn't have her seatbelt on!! ..." - Little tattletale ... Good for her!!

Of course she also told me when Mommy scratched my car at the bank ATM machine one day and when the wheels went off the pavement one day too!!! :rofl:


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Coming home from work last night and passed a lady and what looked like a 4-5 year old little boy. They were in an 80's Toyota car. Neither one wearing seatbelts and the freeway is a broken ice floor from the recent snow. We don't salt in Idaho, at least this part of Idaho, you just learn to drive on it or move. I felt like lifting up my shoulder belt and then pointing at her. The little boy was standing on the front seat leaning on the dash. I'm sure I was there as a kid but it sure irritates me to see it now.
