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1968 Carlisle Ford show


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
All that I can say was that Carlisle Show was great. Didn't have much luck with the California Specials nobody showed up. They had me close to the modern Specials about 75 attended the show. They put my car in a well traveled location. Talk about questions. I had a young guy that was building a special I told him to purchase a real one and when you sell it you might get your money back. I ran across a gentleman that has a special and I asked him if he gets on the website and his answered was what 's that. I gave him my email and I hope that I get his vin #. Last year a gentleman came in from Canada with a Cal Sp but this year he had another car. I guess that they had about 1500 cars' As of Tuesday that is it for me this year.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Hope to be back to Carlisle next year Tom.
Fingers crossed timing works out.

Glad to hear you ended up going.

Some friends from my local car club shared some pictures and videos. Looked like a good show as usual.