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1968 Free Window Sticker app for 1968 Cougar


Dec 21, 2007
Fountain Hills AZ
Hello folks from one of your Mercury Cougar cousins!

You might be interested in a recent development in the Cougar Community, that may have some good implications for the Mustang community as well.

We developed an online window sticker app that lets you spec out a 1968 Mercury Cougar and then outputs the data in the form of a window sticker.

You can give it a test drive here: http://www.classiccougarcommunity.com/dreamcougar/

As it turns out the chassis we built to support the Cougar app could also support a Mustang app to do the same thing. If you guys are interested we could build an app for the Mustang, with a little help from the community here in gathering the needed data.

We are still sorting out a few bugs, but take a look an post back here if you think this would be a idea for the Mustang world.

A brief word about why I would do this: There are a ton of parts that we use every day to restore Cougars that would never exist, or cost a small fortune if not for the shared compatibility with the Mustang. This is chance for me to return the favor.


Bill Basore
billb at classiccougarcommunity.com


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002

That's a great looking tool! Thanks for posting and offering it up to us Mustang folks.

It looks like the VIN is randomly (sequentially?) assigned rather than a value that the user enters. Is this so the window sticker isn't something that people could try to pass off as legit? I can see maybe wanting a few checks and balances in there to stop less than forthright sellers from creating a piece of "documentation" to help prove their car's heritage/options.

PS - Many of us here are Cougar guys too. I used to have a twin to your '67 XR-7 GT, except mine was an automatic in Cinnamon Frost. I definitely miss that car!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I can't wait until you have it ready for 1970. I have a '70 XR7 that needs one.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I worked with Bill debugging his program.

Specifically needed are retail window sticker prices for Mustang specific options. It would also be helpful to know the cost of 289-2V engines over the standard 6 cylinder base engine. Bill also would like to compare option pricing for the same options Mustang to Cougar.
Things such as:

Cost of GT option for the J code cars.
Cost of GT option for the S code cars.
Cost of reflective stripes within the GT option.
Exterior Decor Group.
Interior Decor Group.
Tachometer trip odometer option.
Defog option (coupe and fastback)
Two tone paint.
Accent Stripe.
Convertible option.
Fastback option.
and the list goes on...


Dec 21, 2007
Fountain Hills AZ
The VIN numbers are intentionally kept random (actually not even viable as they include an extra digit, starting at 1,000,000) We do that specifically to keep these from being used to mislead people. For the real deal, Kevin Marti, Marti Autoworks, is the place to go.

It's nice to be able to put your own car in and see what it would sticker at, but I think it is even more fun to build dream cars... What was the most expensive Cougar / Mustang / ? you could order? What options would you pick for performance? These are all fun.

For a fee, Kevin Marti will also compare your ideal car with the Data base to see if any one ordered one like that. Maybe your dream can become real?

As CougarCJ mentioned we will need to have the raw data to build the application. The best thing to start with is the Salesman's Pocket Price Guide. If some one can send me a copy of the Mustang pages that would be a great start.