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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
seller stated to me she would not end the auction to sell to me since it is against Ebay rules. The seller told me if Ebay pulls the auction the tags will be buried in their yard.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
To Anyone From This Site That Purchases The Vin Tags On Ebay. I Will Send You $10.00 To Pay For My Part Of The Purchase Price, So That The Tags Can Be Donated To The Site Or Destroyed.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Is this VIN listed in either registry?

It would be poetic justice if the tags aren't even from a GT/CS!

The more people that report this to eBay the better our chances of getting the bid stopped. To report the problem follow the steps below:

At the bottom of the eBay screen should be some links. Hit the link that says
<Security Center> then go to
<Report Another Problem>
<Listing Violations>
<eBay Motors>
<Prohibited (Banned) Items>
<Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Plates>
<e-mail us>
enter the auction number which is 4615006228


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
I checked both registries and didn't find it. As they stated in their posting if they don't sell they will be buried in the backyard. Why not just do that and stop all the crap. :rolleyes:



Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
Eastern, NC
Why bid on these?

Mosesatm said:
You're right. I reported it and they pulled it......quickly.

I reported it too. It is listed as an eBay listing violation, but it looks like eBay is sleeping and are going to let this one slide through.

I see a few of our members are on a bidding frenzy over these tags. I would just let eBay do their job, instead of giving the owner of these tags a small fortune. I think everyone should click on the safeharbor and report this. Whoever buys them can be contacted after the sale if it sells.


Feb 20, 2006
You folks need to chill out! I have had alot of people interested in the engine and rear end tags and could give a hoot about the vin tag! In regards to violations, 390cs68rcode is an EBAY "powerseller" (who's feedback is a little lacking- few negatives huh, but we won't go there...) and offering to purchase something outright from and EBAY seller who's auction is currently running is a BIG VIOLATION and can get one kicked off! You may want to rethink the rock throwing people! As far as the threatening emails, they need to cease. Do not force my hand in forwarding them to EBAY along with the offer to "BUY" outside of the auction arena. One more ugly comment emailed to my wife and I will play ball. Got it? Good! If you want them sooo bad, keep bidding on them! LOL! Now, just polish your ponies and have a great day!


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
Eastern, NC
junker_68 said:
You folks need to chill out! I have had alot of people interested in the engine and rear end tags and could give a hoot about the vin tag! In regards to violations, 390cs68rcode is an EBAY "powerseller" (who's feedback is a little lacking- few negatives huh, but we won't go there...) and offering to purchase something outright from and EBAY seller who's auction is currently running is a BIG VIOLATION and can get one kicked off! You may want to rethink the rock throwing people! As far as the threatening emails, they need to cease. Do not force my hand in forwarding them to EBAY along with the offer to "BUY" outside of the auction arena. One more ugly comment emailed to my wife and I will play ball. Got it? Good! If you want them sooo bad, keep bidding on them! LOL! Now, just polish your ponies and have a great day!

Did I hear right, the eBay member is threatening our members? You know what, eBay will fix you too, your violating eBay policy. You cannot legally resell vin tags on eBay.

Admin should kick this guy....
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
How to make friends and influence people!

eBay pulled it again, and he listed it again. Now it's auction 4615212838.


Feb 20, 2006
First of all, EBAY never pulled the auction, I did to see check their rules. It was relisted after I could not find where it was in any listing violation. Mosesatm, I just answered your EBAY question. You told me to be a "Hero" and suggested what I needed to do to get the GT/CS people "Off" my back. Again, my response is I am going to let the auction run its course. I don't see what the big stink is over this auction? Its just a car! I parked the hull over at a friends who cut the disk brake front end out of it for his '67. Would this be happening if I listed the whole piece of junk without a title?? I doubt it. Anyway, have a nice day and I don't mean to offend anyone, but my upset wife called me at work and I lashed out on your blog . The hateful emails some of your fellow members sent her was down right terrible. In regards to getting "them" off my back, I don't see where I have done anything wrong.


Feb 20, 2006
To: 68MustangHCS
I am not theatening anyone!! We have been the ones recieving the hateful emails. And why would you want to slam me by calling me a "Cheater"? What am I cheating on?
Have a nice day!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
for the record the 5-6 emails I sent to your wife were all nice (if you would like I can post all of them here). She was asking my opinion on things and I gave honest answers to her questions.


Feb 20, 2006
Also for the record, I didn't point out that you (390cs68rcode) were being ugly. I really don't see what the big fuss is about. You guys and gals have some real beautiful cars in the galleries here and they are something to be proud of. The Mustang has always been a vehicle close to my heart seeing that I was brought home from the hospital in a 1964 1/2 back in July of '65. My dad's 1964 1/2 was the first one sold in Indiana (South Bend)! My father and myself have owned several Mustangs over the years from convertibles to a 1984 20th Anniversary that I had the pleasure of driving off the showroom floor.
Happy collecting folks!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
OK, I am going to post the full conversation about the tags.

The seller contacted me first:

Are you from the California Special Group?

I am a member of the CS website. I would purchase this item to keep it off the market so no one would use it for illegal purposes.

I don't understand? How can someone use an old tag as old as me for illegal purposes? I sell on Ebay for enjoyment and extra money. Please explain this situation to me. I have contacted Ebay with the item number and asked them if what I am selling is illegal. Please explain to me how these old tags could be used for the bad.

Someone could take those tags and put them on another 68 Mustang and most likely have it registered as the exact car from those tags. It is a VERY illegal activity to do this to cars. I am not saying you would do that but someone CAN.

Would you sell me the tags so I can make sure they don't get into the wrong hands? I own 4 Mustangs (one is a California Special and just sold one of my other California Specials a few months ago).

I would be willing to pay $40 delivered for the tags to keep them off the market. I would make it very clear to the people on the CS website that I bought them and you wanted to sell them to me to make sure no illegal activity happens with them.

any other questions please let me know.

Hi Jason,

Thank you for responding to me. I can't sell them to you now that I have them listed through ebay because that is against the Ebay rules. However, if Ebay does pull my ad or ask me to, I promise these tags will not leave my house and I will bury them as is stated and email you with the exact numbers etc so it can be put down as being buried and the car that the numbers belong to no longer exists. In fact, this will probably make you cringe, the car skeleton is being cut up for what I think are racing purposes, last I heard. Isn't there a way to alert people that this stang has been put out to pasture and that the tags are useless for any other purposes than collecting? There has to be a way to alert any potential buyers that this is NOT for what you think they may be used for.

I don't think there is a way to do this. Maybe when cars are crushed they do something with the info but I am not sure. Do you know if the car ever had a Marti report made on it? this is a report that confirms the car is a true California Special. www.martiauto.com

No, but I know the fellow that my husband got the car from. I can ask my husband about it. But like I said the carcus of this old Mustang has been cut up! What all started this was my husband was going to rebuild this mustang for my daughter and then discovered it had way too much "rot and rust" to even try , so he parted it out. It took a place in our garage for months and frankly I became rather attached to the damn thing! However, it had to go because my car missed it's home (garage) and we couldn't do anything with it anyhow. I am not a car fanatic. I mean grant it, I would love to own one of these cars but that is a dream that I know will never be realized. Looks like this person from Canada really want these tags. Do you think they are up to no good or is it possible that they are just wanting them to collect them????

I doubt someone would buy those to collect at those prices. They either want to use them for no good or take them off the market. case12 who is the underbidder is a member of the CS website.

maybe you could stop the auction and bury them? sometimes a little money is not worth the headache of knowing they could be used for no good.

Okay Jason,

I have to ask my husband first because he will be mad at me if I don't.
I just want ya'll to know I am not a bad person!

I have once again emailed Ebay to inquire about the sale of this item. I also put to Ebay that most of the bids are people from your group and that you say it is illegal, that you wanted me to donate it to your group or purchase it from me and so forth to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands and that I might be sued etc.ect.
I spoke to my husband about the matter and he said we have no way of knowing what may be in a persons mind or what people intend to do with our stuff after we sell it. That we should wait to see what Ebay says about the matter. I am also contacting someone in my family who works in law enforement to see what he thinks.
This is just to let you know that I have not forgotten you and your concerns.

So these are the facts as I have been involved with.



Well-known member
Mar 10, 2005
vernon hills, IL
personally, the listing needs to be changed to just the engine and rear end tag, and the vin tag need to be cut up and destroyed , agian stating that even though the person buying may have no interest in cloning a gt/cs , what happens when it leaves thier hands? a vin a to car that no longer exists. for the kinds of money and time involved in the car hobby , this a very bad thing, if the new owner of the tags were to say slap it on a 68 stang ,the car is now that vin and is no longer being represented as what it really is . thisis a sticky field because if the car the new tag is applied to , happens to be stolen , you lose the car, period . thats my2 cents


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I suggested that idea to our friends in question. They saw no reason to destroy the VIN because, "they aren't doing anything wrong".

Lisa asked me to send her the instructions for listing a violation on VIN tags so she could see for herself that selling them is an eBay violation. Maybe that will help.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Here is the latest

Look, I am going to go through these steps that you gave me to find out. I will pull this ad for this vin tag if I see it is a violation BUT I have a request for you.
Here it is....email all the senators and request that our ports should not be ran by United Arab Emirits as THAT is more important than this silly fight with me you are waging! Giving control of our ports to a foreign country!
Now that is a fight worth waging!


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
I'm suprised the emotion this VIN tag has generated. The number of the car is clearly identified and everyone on this site knows about the tag. If Paul just identifies this car as a "cut up" and destroyed car in his new book, then the problem is solved. If someone tries to rebuild a car with this tag, it will clearly be known as a fake, and litigation will ensue. Without a Marti report, we really don't know if the car is genuine anyway. The Shelby Club has the numbers of all its cars, and this fact keeps the "bloodline" clean, and people honest. Let's just note the number and let the auction continue.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I think the emotion isn't because of us here, it's in defense of some future buyer. Here's the scenario. You get a VIN tag from a destroyed CS and put it on some other '68 Mustang that you've cloned into a CS. Remember you can't see the VIN in the front aprons with the fenders on. You order a Marti report for that VIN and get the new door tag. Then you advertise the car to some unsuspecting soul as a CS and provide the Marti report as proof. I don't for a minute believe the guy selling these tags doesn't know this is going to happen. He just wants to make a few bucks and be able to stand there and claim his hands are clean. Just my opinion of course.