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Shelby Factory/Museum North Las Vegas

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No, it wasn't like that at all.

I filled out this little scrap of paper they handed me--and I introduced myself (on the note--not in person), and just said that I was the GT/CS Registrar. It was a note that I thought would be handed to someone a little higher up, to get back to me. After all, I would think that it would be in "Team Shelby's" best interest to get back to me, since I run a registry--and they are always looking for new members (especially the late model GT/CS).

I only expressed my dissappointment here, not because of "me" per se, but that it would have been a good contact for them and us here, too.

This is no different than any other professional networking that I do.

If I've earned a position, status, and respect from others, I'll sure use it to my advantage--because it can benefit others. This is a good example--now I probably won't include any Shelby parts mentioned in my book for late model owners, because they didn't follow through. And BTW--the two people at the Shelby booth weren't too interested in being there, and didn't give a hoot about anyone asking questions. I wasn't the only one. A lesson in customer service would have gone a lot farther.

>Complimenting and cooperating w/their efforts will go alot father. They will likely reciprocate in kind (or better;-)

I sure hope that you believe that, Tim....

Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2004
Sorry Tim, You are out of line.

Defending Paul on this one.

If you know Paul, he's not loud or boastful. In fact you'd mostly never know he's in the room... he's that quiet. And doesn't demand to be the center of attention

But, jeez, It's OK to toot your own horn...especialy at a Mustang/Ford event!!!, As long as you're somewhat self effacing and explaining who you are in a respectful manner, what's the big deal?

Respectfully, Jeff


I took Tim's comments as teasing and nothing else.

There is the on-screen personas and surface imagery...and then there is the behind-the-scenes history, and I can guarantee that it was not teasing.

I don't blame anyone for seeing and thinking what they do here, (but like a lot of other situations we never hear about), this has been an ongoing problem for me for over two years.

I won't get into the details, it does nothing but escalate things...but don't believe everything you see here.

I'm just here to help out and to encourage folks to enjoy their GT/CS. Let's just stick to that.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Paul is absolutely correct and I am not teasing! To whatever degree he wants to "get into details" I will respond! You'll likely get his "one-sided" in your PM box as others have however... He seems to have alot more time for that vs honoring his (years) of "book" promises to you..... Whatever!
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I've never done this before, but I asked Jon, the webmaster, to block your posts. I'm not interested in seeing your comments any more, Tim.

I have better things to do, and I'm not going to let your attitude affect how I work with, and appreciate the good people here.

You'll have to go pick on someone else.

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003

I just want to point out that "Team Shelby" didn't have a booth at Knotts, Shelby Automobiles had the booth. Yes they did have materials about Team Shelby, but they were there to show the new products from Shelby Automobiles. I have forwarded your comments to Gary Patterson who is the V.P. of Operations at Shelby and was working at the booth Sunday morning on his birthday I might add. Knowing Gary I have confidence that you will receive what you signed up for. Gary is one of the most passionate people I've met and I know that he will be disappointed that you were not greeted in a positive manner.




Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I've never done this before, but I asked Jon, the webmaster, to block your posts. I'm not interested in seeing your comments any more, Tim.

I have better things to do, and I'm not going to let your attitude affect how I work with, and appreciate the good people here.

You'll have to go pick on someone else.


I wish you would reconsider Paul. There is no love lost between you two and Tim isn't shy about that, but asking Jon to ban someone because he gets under your skin from time to time seems a little extreme. Didn't your governor once say "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger"? From time to time I've felt put down, but I try to just shrug my shoulders and move on. I don't have enough time on this planet to worry if everyone I meet is going to like me. Just my unsolicited 2 cents.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I wish you would reconsider Paul. There is no love lost between you two and Tim isn't shy about that, but asking Jon to ban someone because he gets under your skin from time to time seems a little extreme. Didn't your governor once say "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger"? From time to time I've felt put down, but I try to just shrug my shoulders and move on. I don't have enough time on this planet to worry if everyone I meet is going to like me. Just my unsolicited 2 cents.


Steve, I agree with you. Banning Tim for a two-way argument is unfair.

Paul and Tim, why not just place each other on 'ignore'. If you don't know how to do that I'm sure Jon can help.

Thanks for posting that quote Steve. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.:wink:


First of all, thanks, Ron for clarifying the situation at Knotts.

I would like to use the Shelby parts--and have permission to use whatever they feel is copyrighted material for my book. I feel that the '68 Shelby ads, etc...are property of Ford (at that time), but in this world of legal actions, I want to do things righ,t to get that material into the book.

I understand and appreciate your thoughts on that. It's hard to say something diplomatic when someone like Tim seems to look for every opportunity to criticize me. I could name names, and cite examples and old PMs, etc...which would clearly explain my reasons...but it would only make things worse. It seems that he feels he has to compete with me; my 'authority" and "expertise', which, I NEVER used in a negative way towards him at any time. I still don't know what his negative motivations are.

I've had Jon, the webmaster more than once tell me to stop arguing with him, and more than one member has come to my aide in support...(which I have never PM'd on the side, BTW). This is so "High School" and I don't have to deal with this, and so, I have him blocked, as per the request to Jon (as well as turned my own "ignore" switch on).

As I said previously, (some of) the personas you see here aren't always what is really there (it's the disadvantage of message boards) Anyone can make themselves look one way, when they are quite another. We all are human, and we can go off on someone--it's easy (and when I have, I have apologized deeply afterward).

I just think that considering this situation--one that has gone on for way too long--that blocking Tim is the best thing for me to do. I have waay too much to do here than to deal with this any more. I've had many good-natured disagreements with others but this one has been way over the line for too long...

Paul N.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
For what it's worth I enjoy reading the comments and insights that all members post; REGARDLESS of what their personal feelings are towards someone else that does not affect me. I just don’t continue to read when an conversation goes in a direction that I don’t like (much like turning the TV channel when something is on that I don’t like). I also think that since this site is open to all it should remain that way – UNLESS someone is using fowl language and/or violating the sites bylaws (if they exist). So what I am saying is that nobody should have the right to ban another from participating just because they have differences. Keep both of them on. An interesting thought; would this sites administer ban Paul if someone did not like what he said over time?


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Just to clarify, Paul isn't asking me to ban Tim. He's just asking that I make it so Paul doesn't see Tim's posts, which I agree is a sensible solution to this ongoing problem.

No one else will be affected by it, just Paul and Tim. Basically neither will see what the other posts.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
Just to clarify, Paul isn't asking me to ban Tim. He's just asking that I make it so Paul doesn't see Tim's posts, which I agree is a sensible solution to this ongoing problem.

No one else will be affected by it, just Paul and Tim. Basically neither will see what the other posts.

Thanks for the clarification -


Sep 23, 2006
Battleground,WA (Pacific NW)

This has gone off topic. Is it safe in here.
Do we need our:

...or a

I vote to nuke the thread.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Yes, I’m sick of it too!

My crime with Newitt is that I never granted him the "authority" he claims he has over our cars and this group. Especially after getting a good dose of his ego two years ago in person. His pattern has continued to include squashing anyone with an original thought, be it w/ events, merchandise, knowledge (outside "his book") and all other standards he imposes that he doesn't hold himself. He seems free to bash anyone or organization at will, only to cry "victim" (while still throwing digs at you) when anyone attempts to call him on it! Yet he demands constant respect and acknowledgment (for three years now) on a project that he has got you to largely do for him (with all the same promises, deadlines, year after year) while pitying you to pay for it in advance w/ that "sell my car" stunt!
Do the research yourselves....

YES - I have something to say about that! And it should be no different than anyone on any other threads airing their thoughts about how people regard their cars and experiences!

If Newitt wants to prove me wrong, than all he needs to do is PERFORM!

...And if Y'all want to ban or restrict me for "tellin' it like it is" - than ban away!! Just be ready 2-3 years from now as this pattern continues for someone else step up & say what the heeyyy!!


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Okay, time for me to put my .02 cents into this. Over the past couple of years, I’ve seen, read, and actually personally experienced Paul’s criticism myself; therefore, I can understand what Tim is saying. Some people tend to be “impressed” when a person boasts about who they are, or what they do, but others could really care less. Someone putting on airs has never impressed me and never will. Actions speak louder than words and I tend to feel that the less people speak of their greatness, the more people think of it. Tim is the type of person who not afraid to say what is on his mind, and I believe that our First Amendment still gives us the right to fair speech. Even asking that he be banned for this is "High School" to me. As long as he keep his launguage clean, I feel he has a right to post what he thinks. The rest of us can either read it, or ignore it. Like Doug said "turning the TV channel when something is on that you don't like".

Now let’s put this thread to bed and go back to enjoying what we are all here for - sharing the love of the GT/CS.
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Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Even asking that he be banned for this is "High School" to me.

And if Y'all want to ban or restrict me for "tellin' it like it is" - than ban away!!
I'm not sure why this incorrect assumption keeps getting perpetuated, so I'll say it again... No one has asked anyone to be banned and no one is getting banned...or even restricted for that matter. Both Paul and Tim are still members here in good standing. The only difference is now neither of them can see posts the other has made. They can still post freely and everyone else will still see all their posts. Nothing else has changed and no one else is affected.

*** Edit - Sorry if the above seemed a little too terse. Just on edge I guess. Situations like this aren't really my most enjoyable aspect of admining. :tongue:
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I'm not sure why this incorrect assumption keeps getting perpetuated, so I'll say it again... No one has asked anyone to be banned and no one is getting banned...or even restricted for that matter. Both Paul and Tim are still members here in good standing. The only difference is now neither of them can see posts the other has made. They can still post freely and everyone else will still see all their posts. Nothing else has changed and no one else is affected.

Will they be able to see quotes?


New member
Jun 27, 2008
No, it wasn't like that at all.

I filled out this little scrap of paper they handed me--and I introduced myself (on the note--not in person), and just said that I was the GT/CS Registrar. It was a note that I thought would be handed to someone a little higher up, to get back to me. After all, I would think that it would be in "Team Shelby's" best interest to get back to me, since I run a registry--and they are always looking for new members (especially the late model GT/CS).

I only expressed my dissappointment here, not because of "me" per se, but that it would have been a good contact for them and us here, too.

This is no different than any other professional networking that I do.

If I've earned a position, status, and respect from others, I'll sure use it to my advantage--because it can benefit others. This is a good example--now I probably won't include any Shelby parts mentioned in my book for late model owners, because they didn't follow through. And BTW--the two people at the Shelby booth weren't too interested in being there, and didn't give a hoot about anyone asking questions. I wasn't the only one. A lesson in customer service would have gone a lot farther.

>Complimenting and cooperating w/their efforts will go alot father. They will likely reciprocate in kind (or better;-)

I sure hope that you believe that, Tim....

Paul N.

Hello Paul,

This is Sharon Elliott I am one of the Directors of the Team Shelby Club. I am very sorry that no one has gotten back to you. I never received anything about your interest in Team Shelby. I was not in attendance at the Ford show. We, Robert Lane ( Director) and I where covering another Shelby show at the same time.

I would like to work with you and see what we can do for you and the California site. You can call me on Monday at 702-448-1695 the Team Shelby Club phone and I am happy to send you anything that you need right away. Or you can e-mail me at Sharone@shelbyautos.com at any time and I can take care of things by e-mail to.

Again I am very sorry that no one has gotten back to you, you seemed to have fallen through the cracks.

I look forward to hearing from you and working together. You can always contact me directly.

Sharon Elliott
Team Shelby Club Director
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