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Trick or treat weather


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Sorry to see that. Maybe they can hold Halloween off till tomorrow night? They`ve done that here in Minnesota I know, when a blizzard would come up.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
[quote author=sam link=board=4;threadid=2322;start=0#msg16149 date=1130802833]
buddy, not everyone lives in Texas

Hey Sam, his name is Arlie and/or Mosesatm, not Buddy. Also, many of this sites members live in Texas, so it is a good heads up for them to know about the storm before they send their kids out in it. OK? OK.
Oh yeah, so I take it you`re a LLAMA this year?

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
[quote author=sam link=board=4;threadid=2322;start=0#msg16149 date=1130802833]
buddy, not everyone lives in Texas

What point are you trying to get across with your rebuttal?

You are certainly correct that not everyone lives in Texas but thank you for alerting me to that fact. I probably would not have figured that out on my own and without your help I might have gotten up in the morning and gone to work tomorrow thinking that everyone lived here! Thank you, kind sir, for saving me from that embarrassment.

If you can try to think outside the box a little it might eventually dawn on you that some of us, on this site, like to send each other non-GT/CS information. That is why we have the "Off Topic Lounge".

We are a sort of a family here. Yes, we are majorly disfunctional but a family nonetheless. If that is the case then you must be the rude, snobby relative from New Hampshire.

It might also dawn on you that I thought the link went to an interesting web-stie that others might have an interest in.

I apologize profusely if I wasted your time with my post.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
On the lighter or should I say wetter side for us Texas folks. (Yes theres more than one of us out there, OMG)
I had the complete joy of trick or treating in the rain. My kids were dressed and ready to go and wham! Down it came, the works with lightning and thunder.
As soon as the lightning settled down a bit, off we went umbrellas in hand.
If it wasn't for the wet part, it would have been totally cool.
Happy Halloween Y'all


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Halloween went well here with clear skies. I only lost my 9 year old daughter once, LOL.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2004
Well, it was darn near perfect here in No. Calif. High of 78 during day, no wind. There is some kind of correlation between cost of living here and the weather. But there are fewer kids every year out trick-or-treating and thats a shame. I guess I should work in a GT/CS statement here somewhere......next time!


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
[quote author=CalPaul link=board=4;threadid=2322;start=0#msg16182 date=1130880975]
Well, it was darn near perfect here in No. Calif. High of 78 during day, no wind. There is some kind of correlation between cost of living here and the weather. But there are fewer kids every year out trick-or-treating and thats a shame. I guess I should work in a GT/CS statement here somewhere......next time!

CalPaul: I grew up near you in Mountain View. You are right, no better place for nice weather. I know the cost of living is high there, and housing costs are outta sight! My wife and I moved in 1984 to the Missouri Ozarks (Springfield) area and raised our children here. You're right, young couples with children are probably disappearing due to unaffordable housing. Too bad, the Bay Area is a nice place to live.