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Recent content by admin

  1. admin

    1968 Rear Spoiler Script Placement

    The script placement looks OK to me. Here's my original (repainted) trunk and emblem.
  2. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    Since it's already mid-February, I'm going to assume everyone who wants one has already purchased a calendar. But here's the latest discount code just in case there are a few procrastinators out there: Current discount is for 15% off. Code is VALENTINE15 and expires Fri Feb 14th Given the...
  3. admin

    1968 Engine painting - Items to be Ford Corporate Blue

    Of the painted engine specifically? There are some in this thread: https://californiaspecial.com/forums/threads/long-overdue-progress-photos-from-my-68-hcs.14709/#post-121430
  4. admin

    1968 Fender Script placement

    See if this has what you need: https://californiaspecial.com/forums/threads/front-fender-mustang-script-emblem.13241/
  5. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    Current discount is for 10% off. Code is NEWWRITER10 and expires Fri Jan 10th
  6. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    Current discount is for 15% off. Code is NEWYEARCHEER15 and expires Fri Jan 3rd
  7. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    Current discount is for 15% off. Code is FESTIVITY15 and expires Fri Dec 20th
  8. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    That's great. I had something the other day shipping to Canada. The US post office wouldn't even take it until the strike is over. FedEx and UPS both wanted $30+ to ship a few documents about the same weight as one calendar. Something the post office would usually charge about $6 to ship. Crazy...
  9. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    Current discount is for 10% off. Code is BOOKSHELF10 and expires Dec 13th
  10. admin

    For Sale 1966 High Country Special on eBay - convertible, Timberline Green

    Just popped up on eBay, located in Crown Point, Indiana. The description below is from the seller. I don't know the seller or the car; just posting the info: https://www.ebay.com/itm/176726103249?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  11. admin

    Wanted factory side scoops wanted

    Wow! That ebay scoop is a serious project!
  12. admin

    Wanted factory side scoops wanted

    Member cobra68 has a driver's side NOS scoop for sale in the Classifieds section, in case you haven't already seen it: https://californiaspecial.com/forums/threads/nos-driver-side-scoop.14458/
  13. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    Here's the current discount code for 20% off. Code is 20MOREBOOKS and expires Dec 6th
  14. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    I just got an email from the print company that they've extended their 30% discount 1 more day. So it's now expiring end of today, Dec 3rd. Code is HOLIDAY30 @Beau66HCS I would definitely email them about your discount code not working.
  15. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    I'm sorry the discount codes aren't working for some of you. The 30% off says it's good through end of today (Dec 2nd) so it should have worked.