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Recent content by classicsguy

  1. C

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS in CA craigslist

    There is a picture of the vin. Check if it’s a true GT/CS
  2. C

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS in CA craigslist

  3. C

    For Sale 1968 GTCS Red J Code W Auto - Volo Cars

    Should have kept it Royal Maroon
  4. C

    1968 GT/CS Grille

    Thanks! I will let you know
  5. C

    1968 GT/CS Grille

    Do you have his e mail ?
  6. C

    1968 GT/CS Grille

    Thanks Arlie and Aethas!! Seems like a good óption!
  7. C

    1968 GT/CS Grille

    Is anybody in this forum making the correct grille for the GT/CS? I remember that Mike Jewel used to make them using a 67 Mustang grille.
  8. C

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS on FB market place KY

  9. C

    1968 Fog light question

    Thanks for the feedback!
  10. C

    For Sale 1968 Gold Nugget Special on FB marketplace

  11. C

    1968 Fog light question

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/256822824962?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1 Are these correct for the GT /CS?
  12. C

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS in Facebook Marketplace

    Glad to help!! It said “ Just listed” Fortunatel It has the Marti👍😎
  13. C

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS in Facebook Marketplace

  14. C

    Wanted 1968 HCS project

    Thanks! Do you have ad link?
  15. C

    Wanted 1968 HCS project

    Still looking..