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Recent content by hangtendartsport

  1. H

    For Sale Damaged 68 GTCS Altadena CA may be offered for sale

    Marti report per request. I have current title in my name, also have original California Pink slip in original owners name as well.. Thanks for your interest
  2. H

    For Sale Damaged 68 GTCS Altadena CA may be offered for sale

    Yes insurance has called it a loss. Not sure of anything after that.
  3. H

    For Sale Damaged 68 GTCS Altadena CA may be offered for sale

    no, the tree has not been removed. I will post updated photos as it happens. Thx
  4. H

    For Sale Damaged 68 GTCS Altadena CA may be offered for sale

    I do, it might be on file on this site already. If not will get it to your in next few days. We still cannot move back home due to smoke damage and no gas right now. Thank you
  5. H

    For Sale Damaged 68 GTCS Altadena CA may be offered for sale

    It is with some sadness to say to anyone interested that this GTCS possibly may be available as a project to someone interested in saving her. I lost my garage to a felled tree on January 7 during high wind/fire storm, which heavily damaged the car. Hagerty was out today and said they would...
  6. H

    1968 1968 GTCS damaged in Southern California windstorm

    Some updated photos, unbeliviably the 65 Barracuda escaped any damage, for now. Need to get a crane to lift tree, re-enforce unstable and compromised garage, and try to get the cars out.
  7. H

    1968 1968 GTCS damaged in Southern California windstorm

    First off, I would like to express my sadness to all in Southern California who have been severely impacted by the fire disasters going on. Obviously human life is of so much more importance than property. I am however sorry to report that my 68 GTCS was heavily damaged by felled tree due to...
  8. H

    1968 1968 shelby hardtop blueprint

    Though this might be of some interesr.. Note the 3 different configurations for 1968
  9. H

    1968 Just picked up pretty unique piece

    Hello, Just wanted to share something just picked up today, a pair of original California’blue and yellow’ plates, personalized 1968 GTCS and tags from 1978 My GTCS still has the original black plates, but I couldn’t pass these up! The guy I purchased the plates from, Peter, said he has owned...
  10. H

    1968 Possible Red Debut Car?

    The Marti list 'White stripes' whereas the photo is showing black? Nonetheless, perhaps this car was there...cool if it was! Are the whereabouts of any of the others known??
  11. H

    ADMIN 2020 CaliforniaSpecial Calendars are now on sale!

    2020 Calander Thanks Jon, just purchased a few, have enjoyed having these come out every year. Thank you! And you're welcome everyone. I enjoy doing the calendar each year. I'm just concerned some years when we barely get enough to fill 12 pages.