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Recent content by platnumheart666

  1. platnumheart666

    For Sale GTCS for sale in Petaluma CA

  2. platnumheart666

    For Sale Another GTCS On Hemmings

    Just a question, how many GTCS J codes that were GTS? saw the one on Hemmings, seems pricey tho https://www.classicconnectionsnc.com/vdp/21152924/Used-1968-Ford-MUSTANG-GT-California-Special-for-sale-in-Greenville-NC-27834
  3. platnumheart666

    1968 The 3 R code GTCSs

    Beautiful HCS!! Awesome collection of cars!
  4. platnumheart666

    1968 The 3 R code GTCSs

    Is that a pic of the White one? I always heard was sitting in a field I did find the Marti for the Red one!
  5. platnumheart666

    1968 The 3 R code GTCSs

    I hear there are 3 428 GTCS that exist. A Red, White and a Blue one (would be neat to see all together one day!) Have any ever came up for sale? I do not see any info in the Master Registry and was wondering history of any of them. I know the Blue one was passed to a friend of the original...
  6. platnumheart666

    For Sale 1968 GTCS Gulf Stream Aqua 289 C Code Auto

    anyone have a larger pic of the Marti?
  7. platnumheart666

    Non-GTCS, thinking about letting go to good home

    Thinking about letting go of one of my Ponies (currently have 3 projects) if anyone interested, I am open to serious offers - PM me Not sure if want to fully restore, leave as a survivor or pass on to a good home Has been off the road a long time, engine turns Barn Find/Survivor! Only 60k...
  8. platnumheart666

    I just saw this email - did you sell your GTCS? Frank

    I just saw this email - did you sell your GTCS? Frank
  9. platnumheart666

    1968 Dusk Rose "Playboy Pink" GTCS

    That's Funny lol, What I can find states that "in 1968, the Color of the Month national promotion featured special colors for the first 4 months of the year. Passionate Pink was offered in February to celebrate Valentine's Day. It was also brought back by some dealers in an Easter Collection of...
  10. platnumheart666

    1968 Dusk Rose "Playboy Pink" GTCS

    on another forum, a member mentioned that they once knew someone who owned a pink '68 California Special I was wondering if anyone knows if this to be true, that there was at least one special colored one ordered? Inquiring minds want to know
  11. platnumheart666

    For Sale For Sale S -Code - not in Registry

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/265631914894?hash=item3dd8e55b8e:g:8nEAAOSwTzpiTRFv#vi-desc-maincntr VIN#8r01s163498 Interesting Seats!
  12. platnumheart666

    For Sale Interesting GTCS on Ebay with no Side Markers?

  13. 7593097_1358488354349894_5541732207488017127_n.jpg


    Our Little GT350 #1210
  14. platnumheart666

    For Sale GTCS for Sale

    8R01C142680 https://www.beverlyhillscarclub.com/1968-ford-mustang-coupe-california-special-c-13812.htm
  15. platnumheart666

    For Sale GTCS on Ebay - Marti says High Country Special

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/393569999773?hash=item5ba2999b9d:g:3hIAAOSw3vVhFALn Anyone know this one?