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Recent content by ponyboy

  1. P

    1968 GT/CS Real?

    Yes, Desert valley in Black Canyon City
  2. P

    1968 GT/CS Real?

    Wow..sold for $200..and Junkyard wants $2200...crazzyyy. Thanks for replying so fast!
  3. P

    1968 GT/CS Real?

    Found this Gem in a Junkyard in Az. Came out of Montana it said. Completely rusted, all the fiberglass is missing, taillights and plates missing, also door vin plate and windshield vin plate both missing. Had a 68 gt grill laying in car, not a 67 like it should have. Asking $2200.. Is it Real or...
  4. P

    ADMIN 2020 CaliforniaSpecial Calendars are now on sale!

    2020 calendar Thanks for doing the calendars again Jon.. unfortunately I missed the discounts Jon.. will you continue to post the discounts? Thanks again Rich
  5. P

    ADMIN 2017 CS.com calendars now on sale!

    Thanks Jon.. just ordered them :) Thanks Again for doing the Calendars again.. we all appreciate it! Rich
  6. P

    ADMIN 2017 CS.com calendars now on sale!

    Hey Jon, was going to order some calendars but discount code is invalid. Is there another code I could use, thanks Rich
  7. P

    ADMIN CALL FOR PHOTOS! -Submit your pics for the 2016 CS Calendar! - Deadline Oct 4, 2015

    Hey Jon.. still never heard if you got my pic.. plz let me know..Rich
  8. P

    ADMIN CALL FOR PHOTOS! -Submit your pics for the 2016 CS Calendar! - Deadline Oct 4, 2015

    Hey Jon, just wondering if you got my pic for calendar voting? Plz let me know, thanx Rich
  9. P

    ADMIN CALL FOR PHOTOS! -Submit your pics for the 2014 CS Calendar! - Deadline Oct 4, 2013

    Hey Jon, just wondering how the 2014 calendars are going and when they will be available to order... thanks again for making them! Rich
  10. P

    1968 paul newitt

    Hey do you think we could ever talk Paul into reproducing the GTCS horn emblem and dash emblems... I would buy a few .. anyone close with him to ask him?
  11. P

    Ford Nationals

    My Brother and i go there every year..but bringing the both of ours from Phx Az would be difficult.. hope you can get more members to bring theres , it would be nice to see more of them there in June! :-)
  12. P

    1968 paul newitt

    Ill agree..too bad there's some people on this site who think different.. and too bad he's gone from this site! :-(
  13. P

    1968 289 is really a 302?

    My Block is stamped 302 and my vin # is stamped in it too... build date is March also on my c code GTCS.
  14. P

    . 2012 GT/CS Calendar

    I received mine yesterday and once again you did a Fantastic job Jon, Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into them, they look Great! Richie