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  4. Redwingrobb

    Mudflaps Anyone?

    Wow, some great ideas. No wonder I keep coming back. Thanks! Since my car is white, anything is going to stick out. Either rock chips or a Fugly Special, take my pick..
  5. Redwingrobb

    Power Steering Frustration

    I've got a problem with my power steering also. If I am to understand you correctly, if I turn my wheel and the car (front end) vibrates, it is how the pump is mounted? The previous owner of the car got frustrated with it and took off the pump, but decided to put the pump back on just prior to...
  6. Redwingrobb

    Mudflaps Anyone?

    Thanks for the input. I may give the 3M product a try. Hey Bandit, do you have front and back flaps.....Now knowing what I know about my paint finish, maybe I should have waited for a car that had a clearcoat finish. But I do like how the acrylic finish looks on the car. I imagine at some...
  7. Redwingrobb

    Mudflaps Anyone?

    I've got a bit of a quandry. I'm thinking about putting mudflaps on my vehicle. Not because I want to, but because in the last month I've had the car, I've already had to make several chip repairs. Out here in West Texas there's a problem with a lot of rocks and junk on the roads. Problem is...
  8. Redwingrobb

    A BIG thanks to YOU, the GT/CS Owner & Enthusiast!

    ....and after the divorce are you going to adopt me? On a slightly different note, I lost out bigtime last week. A guy here in town sold his 69 Mach I for 8700.00. Daily driver, had it for 25 years. Got there too late. Crap, would have been nice to have both in my stable. Barracuda...
  9. Redwingrobb

    A BIG thanks to YOU, the GT/CS Owner & Enthusiast!

    Don, you're killing me...okay, what do you have??
  10. Redwingrobb

    Octane ratings

    Y'all normally run a 92 Octane?
  11. Redwingrobb

    A BIG thanks to YOU, the GT/CS Owner & Enthusiast!

    It was this site and you folks that put me over the top as far as actually pulling the trigger on my Trigger. Wouldn't have bought one without you....(guess I should also blame ya'll for putting me thousands into debt too..:wink: ) Looking forward to many other interactions..Robb
  12. Redwingrobb

    Are Your Winter Projects Done

    Since I got the car only in Feb, my winter was abbreviated. Bought some slotted wheels on Ebay and spent awhile grinding out the rust. Didn't have a sandblaster, so it was all elbow grease. Went Argent with 'em. Got repro beauty rings and GT caps. Going on this week. Should be a nice...
  13. Redwingrobb

    Production of Ford "Hurricane" Engine

    We can only hope that it finds it's way into future Mustangs. Should boost F-Series production and fight off those pesky Hemis. Robb http://detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060326/AUTO01/603260358
  14. Redwingrobb

    XBox Mustang Game w CS/GT

    I stink at it. My son was already able to come in first place without much work. Shows how up on gaming I am! Robb
  15. Redwingrobb

    New Spy Photos of the GT/CS

    Hey, I look at this as the glass is "half-full." At the very worst, the ressurection of the CS/GT is great news for us. The 68s will now get to feed off of the PR of the new ones-- something we've deserved for a long while. I personally can't wait to have the CS's heritage firmly cemented by...
  16. Redwingrobb

    XBox Mustang Game w CS/GT

    I don't know if this was brought up on an earlier post (can't figure out how to look up old threads), but went with my son to the store and picked up an XBox "Mustang" game. The game allows you to pick up to 40 different Stangs to race against other Mustangs. One of them is the CS. Looks...
  17. Redwingrobb

    WHAT to PAY for the 6cyc CS on ebay

    To add on to what Arlie said. I'm no car expert by any means, but I was looking at that 6 cylinder car when mine came up on a different website for $15k (thanks again Don). I compared the two vehicles and decided that although the 6 banger was a bit cheaper, in the long run I would have to pay...
  18. Redwingrobb

    Beauty Rims

    Thanks for the info. Robb
  19. Redwingrobb

    Beauty Rims

    Will they fit?
  20. Redwingrobb

    New Spy Photos of the GT/CS

    :wink: Paul, you can tell us, we won't tell....