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Search results

  1. Powell

    Forest Grove Or.

    Hi All I'm going to try to post a picture fro the Concours d' Elegance car show in Forest Grove Or. on July 20, 08. I was really suprised as I parked our Red/Black strips CS only to fine the mirror twin in the same area Black/Red stripe. We convenced the workers that we should really be next to...
  2. Powell

    Book Project

    It's on its way!! Our Aye-Aye in on its way along with the other half of the payment for the 3 books we ordered. Consider it an investment in the book. We have to show our heartfelt thanks to Paul for all that he does for us GT/CS junkies. When we bought ours we just knew we had fallen in...
  3. Powell

    I may have to sell my GT/CS to publish my book..

    Wow.....Wow...Wow My poor little pea brain can't comprehend what I just read here. If the book is the reason you are thinking of selling, I believe there must be a better out. I believe this book and your expertise mean way too much to this community to allow that to happen. I am willing to...
  4. Powell

    Thank you for your Orders, Survey Answers, and Marti Reports!

    new registry Hi Paul, Thank you for all of your work and dedication on this project. At one point you mentioned that you would need about 300 book orders to go forward with the printing etc. What kind of numbers have you gotten for the new registry? Again thanks for all you do! Powell
  5. Powell

    Post your Marti Report here

    Karen and Ralph's CS Model: 1968 California Special Engine: C Code - 289 - 2v Color: Q Brittany Blue (currently flame red) Interior: 2A Black Standard Bucket Seats DSO: 71 - Los Angeles Ordering District Axle:2.79 Standard Axle Ratio Trans:W - C-4 Select Shift Cruise-O-Matic Dealer: WESTSIDE...
  6. Powell

    Special Purchase of GT/CS Diecast Model

    side stripes I am still interested in several of the models, but will have to paint and re-stripe one to match my red with black stripe GT/CS. Is there any type of list or order form that I need to be on inorder to be sure I will be in on the group order? Ralph
  7. Powell

    Why I drive my GT/CS

    My wife and I make name badges for the local ACURA dealer. It's always fun to make our deliveries in the GTCS. It always draws a croud of salesmen, mechanics and customers. Kind of fun to see them turn their backs on the new acuras to drool over a real fun car. Ralph
  8. Powell

    Headlights, Instrument Panel Blink on Trip

    headlights I agree with Don, I had that same problem several years ago and spent a long time trying to figure out the faulty part. In the end it was the head light switch on the dash. The tale tale sign was how Hot it got after the lights had been on for a short period of time. A trip to the...
  9. Powell

    ADMIN - Vote for the 2005 Calendar!

    We'd really like to know how we can order a calendar or two. Powell
  10. Powell

    light switch

    I want to thank you guys for the imput on the light switch. I believe that I have solved the brake light, tail light intermitent stopage. It came down to the headlight switch which several of you suggested. The switch was replaced about 5 years ago and looked perfect. However the new one has...
  11. Powell

    light switch

    I've got another question about head light switches...My CS has a problem when I use the brake lights for a long period of time with the head lights on at the same time. The tail lights go on and off but I can hear the circuit breaking in the light switch. Does anyone out there know if there...
  12. Powell


    I have a problem with my ammeter. It shows no charge, discharge. I have checked all of the connections on the back with no change. Does anybody out there Know if there is anybody that rebuilds meters or any other thoughts about this problem? I have searched the wiring diagram and don't think...
  13. Powell

    GT/CS tail lights

    I think I posted this in the old Forum, but am going to try it in this new one also. I have read many of the questions concerning tail light drain and dimness with much interest. I have a problem with my tail lights also, but of a little different one. When driving at night and using the...