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Search results

  1. J

    SOLD NOS 1968 California Special script badges

    The Branda kit was made by Pony
  2. J

    For Sale 1968 GTCS grill

    I messaged you. If it’s available I would love to purchase.
  3. J

    For Sale 1968 GTCS grill

    Great looking grille
  4. J

    SOLD NOS 1968 California Special script badges

    Yeah I know some of the Shelby emblems use this same flat tinnerman nut. The old NOS emblems the flat nuts are black the new ones look almost zinc?
  5. J

    SOLD NOS 1968 California Special script badges

    Or if you prefer NPD theses are the same. Also they are just a tinnerman nut and a lot of Ace hardwares will have them. https://www.npdlink.com/product/nut-kit-stamped-sheet-metal/101850?backurl=search%2Fproducts%3Fpage%3D4%26search_terms%3DBarrel%252Bnut%26top_parent%3D200001%26year%3D Sent...
  6. J

    SOLD NOS 1968 California Special script badges

    Is this what you are looking for? https://store.cobranda.com/19mucaspscha.html
  7. J

    SOLD NOS 1968 California Special script badges

    Dan he also has it listed on eBay if that is easier https://www.ebay.com/itm/295782807734?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  8. J

    For Sale Twist Lock Kit

    No I post because they are getting so hard to find and I was just posting that Cobranda said they have the full kit in stock. So if someone needs the bases they can get them in this kit. However the ones I sold you are originals and not repop which for me is always preferred. Sent from my...
  9. J

    For Sale Twist Lock Kit

    I mean if you don’t want them any more I would buy them back.
  10. J

    SOLD NOS 1968 California Special script badges

    I thought these would be gone is seconds since you can’t even get repops. What happens if you are cleaning your car and the rag snags the emblem and snaps the L off. If you still have these in a few days I will buy the rest for safe keeping.
  11. J

    For Sale Twist Lock Kit

    Just as an FYI Cobranda started to stock this kit again. GT/CS Twist lock kit
  12. J

    SOLD NOS 1968 California Special script badges

    Message me I would love 6 of them
  13. J

    SOLD 2-Hood Pin Retainer/Hood Pin Bracket

    Here is the USPS tracking number 9400111206207044242159
  14. J

    SOLD 2-Hood Pin Retainer/Hood Pin Bracket

    You are welcome. Mine gets picked up on the 17th of June to start it’s full restoration. I will get the tracking number for you tomorrow glad I was able to help I tried to be as fair as possible with the price as I know parts prices are getting crazy.
  15. J

    SOLD 2-Hood Pin Retainer/Hood Pin Bracket

    Shipping is $6.40 PayPal email is mschoony@cox.net or you can lookup @Mschoony
  16. J

    SOLD 2-Hood Pin Retainer/Hood Pin Bracket

    I can PayPal as well
  17. J

    SOLD 2-Hood Pin Retainer/Hood Pin Bracket

    Could do Zelle if you PM your address I can figure shipping
  18. J

    SOLD 2-Hood Pin Retainer/Hood Pin Bracket

    TexDan I do have an extra original set of these that I wasn’t planning on selling but will to you for 100.00 plus shipping
  19. J

    SOLD 2-Hood Pin Retainer/Hood Pin Bracket

    TexDan I do have an extra original set of these that I wasn’t planning on selling but will to you for 100.00 plus shipping. They are in great shape just needs cleaned and painted.
  20. J

    1968 side scoop removal

    I noticed the same about the “drains” not being in the same spot from side to side on both my originals and a NOS set I have. I also noticed the contour on the front bottom is slightly different on both sets. You can see it on your as well in the second photo.