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Search results

  1. 08GTCandyApple

    Hi all..........new here.

    I love NC. My in-laws live there, not too far from Blowing Rock. I haven't seen too many places in NC, but I have been to Blowing Rock, Boone, Grandfather Mountain, Lake Lure, Asheville and Chimney Rock. Beautiful country in western NC!
  2. 08GTCandyApple

    *** New Updated Carlisle Thread 4/23/2008!!

    Please take a lot of pictures for those of us who can't make it.
  3. 08GTCandyApple

    *** New Updated Carlisle Thread 4/23/2008!!

    I am really disappointed! I'd love to be there and I'm only an hour drive but unfortunately I have a wedding to attend Saturday afternoon, so I can't make it. I hope you all have a great time. :)
  4. 08GTCandyApple

    Hi all..........new here.

    I'm in Maryland.
  5. 08GTCandyApple

    Hi all..........new here.

    Thanks for the welcome everyone, it is much appreciated! Thanks for the compliments on the headrest wraps too. When I wanted to order them, I could only find ones that had GT/CS, but I wanted them with California Special spelled out like the old emblems. So I bought plain ones and took them to...
  6. 08GTCandyApple

    Hi all..........new here.

    I found this site a few months ago, but I thought it was only for the early model CS's. Anyway, I just happend to check it out again and see that there are quite a few late models, so here I am. I bought her in September and I have to say that I absolutely love this car! Here's a few pics.:grin: