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Search results

  1. W

    1968 CS Èmergency Flasher wiring

    Hi everything back together on my car and was checking all the lighting. Everything worked except the four way flashers. They work on the front but not on the back. I don't know if they where that way before I took the car apart or something I did. First thought was needed a new flasher,no big...
  2. W

    1968 Measurements for GT/CS side strip

    Tequila Big thanks for the reply that is the info that I needed. Never thought of doing a search.
  3. W

    1968 Measurements for GT/CS side strip

    Neil That is correct the previous owner gave me the broken piston skirt when I bought the car. As to why new stripes are needed. You know how some projects start out very small and turn into major undertakings. When I purchased the car I noticed a couple of things that there was a small rust...
  4. W

    1968 Measurements for GT/CS side strip

    Sorry Neil little out of my price range. The car I am working on is a car that you did the motor on a few years ago, a fellow from Calgary Alberta. Called the car Doug
  5. W

    1968 Measurements for GT/CS side strip

    There seems to be non available that I have found.
  6. W

    1968 Measurements for GT/CS side strip

    Hi can anyone tell me the exact measurements for where to install the stripes on my 1968 GT/CS. I have searched the web and can't find that info anywhere. Looks like they should be centered on the side scoops but not sure. Thanks in advance.
  7. W

    1968 Gasket for taillights

    Thanks that is what I need
  8. W

    1968 Gasket for taillights

    Hi there is a gasket that goes between the taillight lenses and the light body on my GT/CS. Is there a replacement gasket for this or just order one for a 1967 or 1968 Shelby? Thanks
  9. W

    1968 repairing rear quarter panel on 1968 gt/cs

    Hi I am doing a repair to the lower rear right hand quarter panel and having a tough time finding a lower patch that fits properly. Has anyone done this repair and if so where did they find this part that fits correctly. the one I bought must have been built on a late Friday afternoon,not even...
  10. W

    1968 California Special emblem

    I ordered a box of them also. If anyone ever needs some I think we will be able to get them out of a bind. lol
  11. W

    1968 GT/CS Undercarriage

    Pierre thanks for the picture that is what I quessed would work. They are hard to find that small at my local suppliers. But can be ordered. Thanks for posting John the above picture shows me what I need. Thanks again for volunteering to post a picture.
  12. W

    1968 GT/CS Undercarriage

    John if you could do that when you get a chance it would be a great help. So I know what I am looking for. These emblems have been riding this way for a long time and I think it is just a matter of time before they fall off. Thanks Again
  13. W

    1968 California Special emblem

    Another question for anyone that may know. On the California special emblems on the back fenders. What holds them in place? They are a pin type emblem but mine are somewhat loose. Is there actually a barrel nut or something that holds these in place? Thanks
  14. W

    1968 GT/CS Undercarriage

    JohnRoller Thanks for the heads up. Pictures do help. Very nice car by the way!!
  15. W

    1968 GT/CS Undercarriage

    Thanks for the reply Jeff.
  16. W

    1968 GT/CS Undercarriage

    Thanks for the reply's. I thought this car should have the red oxide primer under it but I have pretty well cleaned the whole undercarriage and have not found any of it starting to thing it was taken down to the bare metal at one time and sprayed with a black semi gloss paint or possibly a...
  17. W

    1968 GT/CS Undercarriage

    Hi I am detailing the undercarriage of my car and am curious as to what colour it would have been painted from the factory. This one is black but not sure if somebody has redone it before and painted it that colour. Older models not GT/CS cars I have worked on where the red primer but no sign of...