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Search results

  1. H

    1968 Should I buy? Help request

    Thank you, much appreciated. I have some pictures I will post in my garage as soon as I get a chance. I had not seen the car for over 7 years, so when I saw the damage at rear I was at first dismayed. But after considering all the pluses, and having the original owner call me asking if I still...
  2. H

    1968 Should I buy? Help request

    Hi Terry, I would guess that he did sell the book to you, as he told me he had. I don't think he ever registered the car, to my knowledge. I have a couple of the old Books still. I used to have another GT/CS, but it must have had the front damaged, as it no longer had the Fog lights, and the...
  3. H

    1968 Should I buy? Help request

    Thank you for your opinion. It was offered to me at 10, but I did not know about the damage. I had last seen the car prior about 7 or 8 years ago. You are correct about replacing the panel, but you still have to paint and replace the lens. I do want to be fair. I appreciate your feedback...
  4. H

    1968 Should I buy? Help request

    Hello, I have a chance to buy a true one owner California special in Southern California, and need some help. I first saw this car in 1990, and have stayed in contact with him over the years. He bought the car new at Canoga Park Ford, CA. Now in his 90's, he can no longer drive. The good...