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Search results

  1. Mustanger

    Friday Joke

    Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr!!! .... One pirate said to his fellow crewmate, "Arrrgh, that be a fine looking hook and peg leg ye got for ye'self!" The pirate replied, "I should think so, it cost me and arm and a leg!" :icon_pira
  2. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have film.” - Oscar Wilde
  3. Mustanger


    Here's an interesting read on Alum vs Brass radiators: http://www.usradiator.com/testing.htm Now the issues are whether you care about 1) appearance, 2) weight savings, and 3) price. One issue that you can also improve on is if your car came with a non-ac radiator (20"), you can upgrade to an...
  4. Mustanger


    Ouch!!! I hurts just lookin' at those pic's ... I'm glad to hear that you're walking around, Joe. I know you'll fix this CS and it'll be back to smoke some rubber :thumb: ...
  5. Mustanger

    An Evening with Shelby ...

    Get your tickets while they're hot ... http://www.petersen.org/default.cfm?docid=1059
  6. Mustanger

    Halloween Greetings

    Very cute ... I'm going to pass this along to some good friends ...
  7. Mustanger


    Joe, Are you okay? :sad: Wow, I hope and pray that you'll be able to bounce back healthwise and also fix up that awesome CS you have ... but we all have confidence in you, Joe :thumb: ... just hang in there ...
  8. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    "A name does not make a great car, a great car makes a name. If you build an exceptional vehicle you can call it anything." - Carroll Shelby
  9. Mustanger

    Friday Joke

    The Job Interview ... Andy wants a job as a signalman on the railways. He is told to meet the inspector at the signal box. The inspector puts this question to him: "What would you do if you realized that two trains were heading for each other on the same track?" Andy says, "I would switch the...
  10. Mustanger

    How Did They Get Those Names???

    Some of the most interesting stories from automotive history concern the naming of particular models. Many, many vehicles have been named in quite arbitrary, last-minute ways and here are a few of them: Ford GT 40: One of the most legendary grand prix racing cars of all time, the Anglo-American...
  11. Mustanger

    Friday Joke

    A man walks into an auto parts store and says,"I'd like a rear view mirror for my Yugo." The man behind the counter thinks about this for a while, then says,"Yup, seems like a fair trade to me ..."
  12. Mustanger

    Friday Joke

    Art Thief ... Recently a guy in Paris nearly got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre. However, after planning the crime, getting in and out past security, he was captured only 2 blocks away when his Econoline ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and...
  13. Mustanger

    My first Mustang: 1968 Mustang GT/CS

    Congratulations on your ride!!! ... sometimes these cars are like babies, and you will get your hands dirty with them :wink: ...
  14. Mustanger

    Cobra Update Again

    ... BTW, Paul, how do you like the Ford Racing 302? I heard nothing but praise about these motors, and know of a few guys that had these put into their cars ... all of them seem very happy with them :thumb: ...
  15. Mustanger

    Cobra Update Again

    That's awesome ... now you need to offer "little kids" (or the young-at-heart) some "pony rides" :wink: ...
  16. Mustanger

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill
  17. Mustanger

    Halloween's coming ...

    ... I know people around here are talking about getting some fun things set up for the kids ... :icon_disg :Spidey: :Jack_O_La Here's a cool link that Arlie originally posted: Check it out, Pumpkin carving site. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/timages/page/pumpkin_sim.html
  18. Mustanger

    Insurance for Classics and Collector cars

    David, These are some good ones: http://www.heacockclassic.com/site/ http://www.hagerty.com/ http://www.grundy.com/ http://www.aaa-calif.com/insurance/auto/collector_car.aspx Compare the rates and see what works out best for you ... Parish/Heacock (this is my insurance for my Mach 1) still...
  19. Mustanger

    "Bullitt" stunt driver dies

    "... Steve performed all his character's motorbike stunts in the escape scenes, EXCEPT the famous final jump over the 6 foot high barbed wire fence. That was done by his Stunt Double (Bud Ekins). Although many people incorrectly believed that it was Steve who had done the stunt, it was Steve...
  20. Mustanger

    How do you identify 302 California Special heads from normal 302 heads

    That's funny :rofl: ... but seriously, if aftermarket heads are not in your grand scheme of things, maybe better Ford 302 heads are (e.g., Cobra heads, P-heads, X-heads, 351W heads, etc.) :wink: ...