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Search results

  1. U

    . Merry Christmas

    Hope you all are having a "Special" Christmas. Johnny B.
  2. U

    68 GT/CS Big Block Auto for sale

    Hey...390 4spd Hows that blue big block looking?? Is it all you thought it would be?? Give us some details. You've had it about a week now, right? Johnny B. (still lookin')
  3. U

    J-Code GT GT/CS in Texas

    This one just sold for $18,100...I decided not to bid, though it was tempting. Johnny B. (still looking)
  4. U

    68 GT/CS Big Block Auto for sale

    Congrats dude...I got a bundle of pics from this guy. There just did not seem to be enough discussion on the forum about it...so..I let it go. It looked like a good CS at a good deal. Johnny B. (still looking)
  5. U

    . Race Day Results, Battle for the Title of World's Fastest GTCS

    WoWl...that looks like alot of fun! Congrats! Johnny B.
  6. U

    J-Code GT GT/CS in Texas

    Thank you Mosesatm! Are you local to this one?? This looks interesting! No reserve...humm?? Johnny B. PS >>> WHAT DO YOU THINK NEIL? (I know...someone needs to check it out first)
  7. U

    . ADMIN - 2009 Calendars now on sale!

    Got mine last week. Clean/Cool cars...especially that December one...humm?? Johnny B.
  8. U

    Red CS in LA

    Thanks!.... but I think Neil has already talked me out of it.:undecided Johnny B.
  9. U

    Red CS in LA

    Hi guys...I'm still in the market for a '68 CS. (A real good deal CS!) I think this may be one of those "economic" times good deal. Is someone local to this area to personally take a look? If so OR if not, what is your thoughts on this one...
  10. U

    . Gas in Seattle is $1.95!

    I just came thru Lillington,....close to Fayetteville, NC ....$1.68 reg. Johnny B.
  11. U

    2010 Mustang Revealed

    Oh MAN.... I LOVE IT!!!! Awesome video!
  12. U

    '68 California Special

    Oooeee...$45K.......Good Luck! Looks sharp!
  13. U

    Black C/S on E-Bay again

    I just got word that this black CS sold Monday for $17,500 (NOT thru ebay)
  14. U

    68 GT/CS Big Block Auto for sale

    Go back to the #1 post....Did this car ever sell?? Is this legit?? Thanks!
  15. U

    Summer Gas Prices Could Reach $4

    Correction....it is now $1.97 around 4:00 PM.
  16. U

    Summer Gas Prices Could Reach $4

    I filled up this morning...$1.99 reg. at Sheetz Bus.64 Raleigh,NC Johnny B.
  17. U

    Black C/S on E-Bay again

    Yep...I filled up yesterday...$2.15 reg. at Sheetz in Raleigh,NC
  18. U

    Black C/S on E-Bay again

    I got a response from the Ebay seller....He said this car belongs to his dad...Raymond, I think the last name was Benner?? He gave me his dad's cell number. I have not called yet. I am extremely interested, but I'm just not sure about this economy yet. I may hold on to my $$ for awhile.:undecided
  19. U

    Black C/S on E-Bay again

    Cool, if its not too far...that would be great. It's relisted again on ebay. Thanks!
  20. U

    Black C/S on E-Bay again

    Is there anyone on the forum seen this car OR is local to go take a look? Thanks!