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Search results

  1. HappyHour

    The Great Aemoo28 GT/CS Adventure!!

    Wow crazy adventures Amy and great way to look at the positive side of it all. As people have stated and you are realizing its the whole fun of driving the Cal Special up the coast that was alluring. Of course when I bought mine in SoCal I was lucky enough to drive it 20 minutes to my parents...
  2. HappyHour

    Do you like the 1968 model year Mustang even if its not a GT/CS?

    Wasnt a big fan of 68 as I liked the side vents of the 67. As for fastbacks the 65-66 fastbacks were 'leaner" smaller look and with 2+2, 3 qrt window or flares etc they were just cool. The 67-68 fastbacks to me were too beefy and with bigger power plants too much. Maybe its the tree hugger in...
  3. HappyHour

    Which look better with styled wheels: White sidewall or Raised white letter tires?

    Its the red that gave it away...BTW...RWL (when baby gets new pair(s) of shoes) on BFs otherwise I go stealth on anything else.
  4. HappyHour

    Fun weekend in Grass Valley...

    Wow....do you guys ever work? BBQin all the time and cruisin all over the place wasting gas?? Sheeezzzz. Good times. Thats a nice looking purple Stang convertible with silver striping. Wait is that the same one as a tribute with red backend? Red in back purple in front? Hmmm thats wild or are...
  5. HappyHour

    selling GT/CS foglights Awesome shape!

    Are you talking about the plastic fog light cover? I got a pair for when I went crazy on eBay UK and tried to corner the market on fog light covers :smile: Would rather send em off as pair. Otherwise there are some singles that do comeup. Do you have all flat older style or the one with the...
  6. HappyHour

    Seen on Craigslist in Oregon

    MMmmm Black!! Wonder if the paint shop is gonna give him back the front bumper. :grin:
  7. HappyHour

    ISO car cover for '68 GT/CS

    I figure a high quality car cover that breathes and resists mold is basic. Didnt realize there were custom covers. The thread that talks about winterizing and recent battery disconnect thread is here. http://californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5365
  8. HappyHour

    Anyone running 17in?

    Thanks Bill...like the "dish" lip on those rears...and those Lemans are pretty sick as well. :icon_ecst
  9. HappyHour

    Anyone running 17in?

    Only gallery shot of David's was his race pic with rear slicks but I saw his CS off a previous post regarding LeMans stripes. Looks good...not familiar with Bill's. Ill PM them offline if they respond to figure offsets. Thanks Arlie. :wink:
  10. HappyHour

    Anyone running 17in?

    Jeez....these are 17x8 and 17x9. I think my car is too daily driver for these. http://tinyurl.com/6b84bu Hallibrand 16inch..nice al;though I think he got the bolt pattern wrong http://preview.tinyurl.com/5tkpov
  11. HappyHour

    Anyone running 17in?

    Starting new thread....anyone running 17inx8 out there on your CS? Would running Eleanor rims make for super rough ride due to tire size or is that pretty much taboo for purist? http://tinyurl.com/5ryhqq Will 8in fit with correct backspacing?
  12. HappyHour


    Neil are these what you are looking for seeling Mustang Unlimted for under $800? They are 15 though. Do we need to pressure sale you into bigger wheels? Just say the word!! :grin: http://tinyurl.com/578ltw
  13. HappyHour


    So the discussion goes on and lot of great pix 2. :wink: http://californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=317&highlight=shelby+rim Not to hijack your thread Neil I was wondering if anyone is running 17in? I would love to add new rim style to my classic ride.... Would running Eleanor rims...
  14. HappyHour

    To All You Doubters - Phhttttt!

    Yeah but dude its a SKyline!! This car was up for sale last year I think someone in the midwest shipped it from Hollywood. Featured on Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift. If its any consulation it beat the Z in the movie. American muscle...well kinda. :wink:
  15. HappyHour

    Is this GT/CS in Registry?

    Looks like a pretty easy search to run yourself....since its numerical and you just drop to the J's..else Im gonna look reeealll stupid (gonna go get my clown suit). :wink: 8R01J155978 Richard Nolte AZ. 1968 GT/CS Y W 5 8R01J155994 Harry Hardman TX 1968 GT/CS Y W 5 BTW we are gonna charge...
  16. HappyHour

    When is car of the month going to update?

    Nice work Jeff....I really like the subliminal "alternative" energy message you got in the background? :grin: Very scenic along the 580 corridor at sunset with the blacked out CS and your 68. Went skydiving over in Byron thought they were gonna coast right into those dam over sized props...
  17. HappyHour

    Winter storage suggestions

    Which brand do you have? The one I listed or some other? Thanks for info!
  18. HappyHour

    Winter storage suggestions

    Resurrecting all thread....does anyone have experience with battery disconnects? There are alot on the market including ones for starter kill to prevent theft. Has anyone used these to isolate your battery power or do you need to "trickle"? http://tinyurl.com/5tct7k Item number: 120290723307...
  19. HappyHour

    "X" 390 GT/CS for sale (black on black)

    Sweet! As always pictures top bottom front back inside out would nice so we can drool er um review condition as well as Marti. Pics pics pics!! There was a Black X code down here (NorCal) that sold on the peninsula last year that drew alot of interest so this Forum is a great place to start! It...
  20. HappyHour

    "Thunder in the Sky" 2008!...

    You can get the original resolution of my friends (Robert Van Gool - RVG)shots by clicking the picture hit the "all sizes" in small print above the picture and download. If not hit me up and Ill send em to you. Happy Friday. I really like the smoke action..wow...